Korea-Afrika-Gipfel wird Yoons bisher größte globale Veranstaltung


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  1. TypicalExcitement878 on

    >Nearly 50 nations are expected to attend next week’s inaugural Korea-Africa Summit to discuss shared growth and economic cooperation.
    President Yoon Suk Yeol will chair the two-day summit set for Tuesday and Wednesday in Korea, the presidential office said Thursday.
    He will also hold separate talks with the leaders of 25 African countries.  

    >Principal Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Tae-hyo told reporters that **48 of 55 African Union countries** are participating in the gathering, with a few exceptions due to domestic or political circumstances.  

    This might be a turning point for Korea’s perception towards Africans. We’ve mostly dealt with Americans, Europeans and East and Southeast Asians for business, so the diversification is truly welcome. From what I understand, West Africans are very much into Korean dramas, so the soft power, at least in West Africa, is already vast.

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