Angriff auf Daten: Wie Branchen unter einem 32-prozentigen Anstieg schädlicher Bots leiden

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  1. Gaming, Telecom, IT, and Travel. What’s the one thing common between the four? The industries are a bot-favourite when it comes to stealing data, causing financial losses, and damaging company reputations.

    The number of bad bot traffic has steadily increased from 23.6 per cent in 2013 to 32 per cent in 2023, with good bots degrowth from 19.4 per cent to 17.6 per cent in the period.

    “Bots present a widespread challenge for businesses worldwide, exerting a significant impact on digital health and security. With nearly half of all internet traffic attributed to bots, and a troubling portion of them being malicious, the threat they pose is substantial,” shares Ankush Sabharwal, Founder and CEO, CoRover with Entrepreneur India.

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