Was ist mit der Jugend los?


Von bmcd80


  1. Any_Comparison_3716 on

    Their Mam’s won’t even let them get the ride.

    Give them a break.


    Oh, those aren’t cans..

  2. Due-Communication724 on

    Now there is something that needs to be part of the DRS, 10e a bottle deposit.

  3. bubbleweed on

    Same as they’ve been since well, pretty much as far back as I can remember.

  4. Bottom left corner contains a packet of effervescent multi vitamins from aldi…. I’m more confused about that part.

  5. CaptainRoach on

    They won’t sell them spray paint cans in Halfords any more so they have to move with the times.

  6. EsotericFlagellate on

    Getting pinged out of their tiny minds, apparently. I hope that’s not one session!

  7. gealiclearner on

    Duh, it’s not only with the Irish. It’s like that all over the world. Sick manners, low economy level – all lead to a raise of scumbags

  8. faeriethorne23 on

    This is absolutely horrendous but let’s not pretend we haven’t all seen grown ass adults throwing their bags of McDonalds wrappers, disposable coffee cups, red bull cans, empty cigarette packs etc out of their car windows. This isn’t just a youth problem, it’s much bigger unfortunately.

  9. At least it’s only nitros. My first thought was aerosol sniffing. I remember the glue sniffers in Belfast in the 90s. That was rough.

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