Als ich das heute in Mailand gesehen habe, verstehe ich immer noch nicht, wie es in Ordnung sein soll, einen bestimmten Teil der Bevölkerung aufgrund seiner Religion zu diskriminieren und dann zu behaupten, dass dies für die Freiheit geschieht und nicht, um die irrationale Angst der Menschen vor den anderen auszunutzen, um mehr zu bekommen Stimmen?

Von obai33


  1. This sort of abusing other’s religions as a political weapon and a hanger for the incompetence of the government should not be acceptable whatsoever. This is a dangerous route Italy is taking. Ironically enough a post about women’s freedom is telling them they lack the freedom to dress the way they want. As far as I know using religion and minorities as a hanger does not end up well and causes a lot of issues on the long term, look a bit into your history and what happened in loreto. Many of the Muslims in Milan will be offended by this, especially the ones who choose to dress like this and it is already enough the prejudice they get daily. Many of us who immigrated here are here to do our job and live our lives, if we do harm we should be punished but this collective labeling and shaming of us should not be acceptable.

  2. Liftingsan on

    It’s just about how women shouldn’t be forced to wear a veil, maybe you misunderstood the italian phrasing.
    Then again, Lega is doing it instrumentally, but not forcing women to wear the veil i a pretty basic feminist battle, that italian feminist (mostly in the south) fought for untill the ’80 in some rural area.

  3. SpikeCraft on

    Maybe it’s not tactful, but it conveys the message that Italy should be a secularist country – this is how I read it first and foremost.

  4. So, you want us to respect their “sensibilities” while they don’t respect ours? You sound just like Iran when they reacted to *that* Danish cartoon.

  5. chappersbarfo on

    If it’s instrumentalisation or not, and it probably is, we are a country that has always had problems with the rights of women especially in the sense of being controlled by men so it makes sense that it’s not ok that while we, or for the most part, are heading towards a more open and less religion-based society new immigrants and by extension their children, especially the daughters, are still subjected to practices that in an ideal modern society are no longer acceptable. I understand that you are from this culture so it’s normal that you don’t really understand this point of view, but the fact is that many Muslim women don’t work and are forced to stay at home by their husbands and the “choice” to wear the hijab is only an illusion of freedom in the sense that their “choices” are influenced by hundreds of years of a patriarchal religion and indoctrination.

    I traveled to Iran before and about ten minutes before the plane landed in Tehran literally every woman on the plane went from having their hair out to covering it. For me that really made me understand better the question. Not to mention the widespread protests and subsequent oppression and brutality that were born from this obligation.

  6. I’m afraid this kind of racisim is very common in Italy. Most Italians wouldn’t even see anything wrong with this poster. In terms of social progress, Italy is about 50 years behind everyone else.

  7. Ministro_Toninelli on

    Every religion is bad but some of them are worse than the others

  8. CappellaScrepolata on

    It talks about women being forced to hide their face, and thus being discriminated. Do you support a religion that takes away rights from women and doesn’t treat them equal to men? Because if you do, you, in the first place, are discriminating women. And if you don’t, I don’t see why you don’t read the poster as both women being islamic, but the second one being free of showing her hair and doing what she want. To me, as a person which doesn’t discriminate, the second woman could 100% have islamic beliefs, even if she doesn’t want to hide her body.

  9. cabinaarmadio23 on

    Islam is dangerous and shouldn’t have a place in our secular societies

  10. It needs to be contextualized : recently in Italy a school has arbitrarily decided that its pupils should go on holiday because of Islamic holidays and others were thinking of introducing dress codes.

    This doesn’t sit well with a secular society.

  11. welcome to 2024 international politics, with basically no politics and a lot of bs to try to control the masses. You can observe this trend almost everywhere unfortunately.
    But i can assure you that those parties have always been doing those sort of ads, at least from 2001, if it wasn’t muslims there was surely someone else before cause the hate against “the others” has always been their main point of their propaganda, so it’s nothing new or “a turn italy is taking”

  12. There’s a staggering cognitive dissonance between the outrage against this billboard and the recent surge in awareness about violence against women.

    Kinda hard to be credible in the fight against the “patriarchy” and “toxic masculinity” while also turning a blind eye to an entire culture that is still deeply rooted in both and consider women as property.

    It’s the usual tragic logic shortcut when misguided “tolerance” gets in the way of social battles.

  13. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    It’s not based on religion. It’s based on religion if those women choose to wear the burqua by their own choice, it’s not based on religion if their husband/father force them to wear the burqua to follow the religion. I don’t accept complains from a person that is lamenting because this society doesn’t allow you to discriminate women.

  14. orclownorlegend on

    So are we supposed to be ok with the fellas killing their daughters and sisters when they don’t wear a burqa? Islam is a dumb religion forcing people to do dumb things. So is Christianity but thankfully most people don’t strictly abide to the stuff written in the bible

  15. StrikingRutabaga5685 on

    discriminating is good.
    I do it every day and so do you.

    you don’t choose, filter, analyze and prefer?

    I do it all the time and so we all do.

    once we have cleared that discrimination is ok.

    who is discriminating here?

  16. Because a lot of Europeans, in an ill-executed attempt at being “secular” do not realize that 1) secularism means separation of church and state under ALL circumstances, including how to dress yourself, and 2) authorizing a state to force a community to dress as regulated by the state is substantially identical to the mandatory hijab policy in Iran and it’s also a slip towards authoritarianism that (in the current political climate) is the OPPOSITE of what we need.

    A tutti i connazionali che vedranno questo commento: pensateci 14 volte prima di consentire allo stato di regolare come ti devi vestire, perché può essere potenzialmente abusato per fare le stesse cose che si fanno in Iran e ci fanno (*giustamente*) rabbrividire.

  17. Italy is ruled by clowns. and a lot of them follow. they fear Muslim/Islam but they get roped by the Vatican

  18. You mean the other part of “population”, which is still a tiny percentage in Italy luckily at the moment, that is troglodyte, anti technology, anti freedom, anti woman?

    Wokeness and imbecilic left propaganda is really becoming a menace for civilized countries.

  19. That-Gap-8803 on

    As a woman I should also be free from catholic religious fanatics while I’m at a clinic asking for an abortion. But that is not what a free woman looks like to the right wing folks, apparently. I don’t like what the hijab represents but many Muslim women wear it by choice, especially in the west. They are just a bunch of ignorants.

  20. Fascists gonna fash. They don’t care one bit about women, they just want to tickle the racist underbelly of their electorate. The Lega party is the most sexists political formation you can find here and they always exploit religion to put forward their bullshit.

    That said, sure, forcing people to mortify themselves for religious reasons is absurd and should be challenged. But they are doing it because they’re fascists.

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