Meinung: Der Haushalt hat eines richtig gemacht: Der Lebensstandard sinkt. Dann hat es alles noch schlimmer gemacht


  1. LuckyConclusion on

    The LPC motto at this point:

    “If you thought our problems were bad, just wait til you see our solutions!”

  2. sorocknroll on

    The other thing that stood out to me in this budget was the chart of rising OAS payments (doubling over 10 years, quadrupling over 20), which the writers seemed to take a badge of honour rather than an unsolved fiscal issue.

    Appearance over effectiveness is unfortunately a key theme of modern politics.

  3. Snowboundforever on

    Business investment was terrible before the new taxes. Only the Financial Post would have the gall to blame it on capital gains taxes. Maybe they should have set a tax penalty for not investing in worker training.

  4. infinity1988 on

    Bring the living standard so low that everyone moved here from their third world country feels like at home.

  5. MapleWatch on

    Anyone else wishing we’d elected someone that had the ability to back down from a bad idea? O’Tool’s wishy-washy-ness would be a huge upgrade right now.

  6. Constant_Curve on

    The tax doesn’t affect you. If you’re on reddit, you’re not that rich.

  7. I mean I hate to be this guy but Canadian politicians are just a reflection of their society. The fact that Trudeau has been in for roughly 10 years says something about the Canadian public as a whole.

    From day one it was obvious that Trudeau was not a money guy, and that his government would not be based on merit but on what is socially correct.

    I think that since Canada has no major geopolitical threats to focus on it makes us dumb and apathetic to how the world really work and the hardships. Canada is just so naturally gifted that people just need to show up to be successful in the past.

    We live under the protection of the US and seem really keen to let them take over our security but then tell them how to do it. Maybe if we bordered Russia/China or America treated us more like illegals from their southern border we would be a smarter people.

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