Quelle: [https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/local/more-frequent-disconnections-of-household-photovoltaic-systems/](https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/local/more-frequent-disconnections-of-household-photovoltaic-systems/) Es klingt absolut verrückt, dass EAC sechs Photovoltaikanlagen in Haushalten abschalten würde, damit deren 1480 MWe-Netz nicht überlastet wird . Bei 6 Haushalten wären es gerade einmal 24 kW, was absolut nichts ist. Das sieht eher so aus, als ob etwas Verdächtiges vor sich geht, etwa Kunden, die sie nicht mögen, vom Netz zu trennen. Diese neu gewonnene Macht für EAC ergab sich aus den Vorschriften für den Betrieb ihres Rundsteuersystems im Jahr 2023. Die Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energie aus privaten PV-Anlagen ist nicht mehr geschützt.
Von Christosconst
That’s the reality of Photovoltaics. Practical Engineering has a good recent video about them. Overloading the grid may fry some critical infrastructure.
After reading more about how grids integrate with photovoltaics, I suspect that the actions mentioned in the article make sense from a technical point of view. What the article doesn’t explain are exact reasons. At least for me, I’d be more hesitant to blame EAC for incompetence if they communicated in more technical detail and ELI5ed for less tech savvy folks, educating everyone.
is this a good reason for people to invest in battery systems? at the very least you can store and use some of the energy produced
>6 households would amount to a mere 24kW, which is absolutely nothing
Looking at total grid generation makes no sense, since overloads are entirely locational. A small distribution branch with 100kw of capacity can overload with the slightest increase in injection, no matter what the total system generation is.
Good riddance centralised energy distribution then. 👋
Tesla and others offer batteries that can power small cities. Yet we rather waste energy and money instead of investing it.
Tell me that you don’t understand how electrical grids work and are balanced without telling me that you don’t understand that.
I start to wonder if I want to install vertical solars. Be out of crowd with generation (e.g. to generate at sunset and sunrise) may worth dropped efficiency in mid-day (when they disconnect anyway).
The grid itself needs an update and investment in storage, things will change once Cyprus is connected to other countries.
Absurd situation. The article creates more questions that it answers though. What does “disconnected” mean? Is that for a day? A week? A year? Forever? How common is this practice elsewhere? Why doesn’t EAC disconnect the random photovoltaic farms in fields outside cities, instead of households? Do the households still get charged from EAC as if they were connected during the time they were disconnected?
Does anyone have first hand knowledge about household batteries that pair with photovoltaics? I’m interested in hearing more regarding cost, physical dimensions, limitations, lifespan, and if current laws allow the installation of batteries.