Hey, ich habe einen Lautsprecher (200€ kostet er) bei Amazon.de bestellt. DHL sagt, dass die Ware zugestellt wurde, aber ich habe nichts erhalten. Der Ort der Lieferung liegt jedoch in Deutschland. Könnte dies die Lieferung an die nächste Stufe der Kette sein, also das Unternehmen, das für internationale Lieferungen verantwortlich ist? Ich habe es am 11. April bestellt, der voraussichtliche Liefertermin von Amazon ist der 18. bis 24. April. Muss ich mir Sorgen machen oder ist das normal? Danke


Von Gravyy20


  1. Yep, especially if Maltapost is doing the delivery. Never had any issues with fast drop courrier but Maltapost 🤦.. isually two to three days after the actual delivery. Check your mail for maltapost emails they usually tell you if they have the parcel. Waited two weeks to get the parcel delivered from sicily to Malta

  2. Did you asked to be delivered directly to your address in MT, or are you using a Malta Post hub?

    I would speak with [Amazon.de](https://Amazon.de) and check what’s going on, normall when I buy directly to my MT address, either they use DHL or UPS.

  3. On the 16th product was sent back to the sender as it is prohibited. So the delivery will never happen and you will never get the parcel. At least thats what the tracking info is saying. You should get a refund. If the speaker has a big lithium battery it wont be posted.

  4. Bluedemonfox on

    There is a line that says return of prohibited hazardous materials back to the sender?

  5. It looks like your shipment was sent back to sender. “Return of dangerous goods…”

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