Ich habe eine Karte der Malta Tram erstellt. Was halten Sie davon, dass dies eines Tages passieren könnte und wie praktisch wäre das?


Von Existing_Picture4488


  1. wesleyD777 on

    I’d suggest that you’d need more stops for such a solution to be a realistic choice for the majority of people in the most densely populated areas. Otherwise unless you live or work close to one of stops it becomes less useful for people the further they need to travel to one. One stop for Mosta, one for San Gwann etc would meet the needs of only a handful of the people who live and work there.

    If people are to leave their cars at home and commute, take kids to school, go shopping etc then it is unrealistic to expect them to walk a long distance to do so, say 500m to 1000m between stops in the central area as an example. Obviously this is a generalisation and no solution will work for everyone.

    If population is going to keep growing at the rate it is (and thats a whole different discussion) then efficient mass transit would be essential to support that growth.

    I won’t hold my breath though.

  2. scottishboy2002 on

    If the livery and design is like the old buses, I’m for it

  3. malteselawyer on

    I think most Maltese outside the political class would concur that Malta needs a underground metro. I believe there was one designed by Konrad Xuereb which by far seems the most professional. Unfortunately, it is what it is, the political class will shy away from projects which cannot be inaugurated by the end of the legislature. Furthermore, such projects will have their own challenges especially from a construction waste perspective.

  4. Dependent-Leg-9694 on

    There is an interconnecting stop on lines 1, 2 and 3 just before San Pawl and Bugibba. Where would that stop be?

  5. StupidCreativity on

    I like the clean design, but I hate the routes. lol.

    I think I would prefer a more “circular” design. If you look at Oslo Subway. instead of “all roads go to Valletta” mentality. Example 1 stop between Valletta and Sliema. 1 Stop between Valletta and Birgur. and you suddenly have a nice 8 shaped line.

  6. This is overkill. Even half of redline, Valletta to pembroke would be a huge achievement in public transport.

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