Ein saudischer Beamter sagt, der Iran habe den Krieg in Gaza inszeniert, um die Normalisierung mit Israel zu ruinieren



  1. If you know it then why don’t you proceed with normalizing them anyway?

  2. Hey now… Russia helped too! Don’t hurt their feelings by leaving those snakes out.

  3. I mean, this is kinda huge. One of main goals of Iran is to ruin relationship between Israel and Saudis

    And even though it’s “clear as a day” for some redditors, the fact that Saudi Arabia acknowledges this publicly is huge

    Even though I’m not a fan of Saudis, but respects where it’s due 

  4. ChemsAndCutthroats on

    Isn’t Saudi Arabia pushing for a 2 state solution in order to begin normalizing relations?

  5. Ok-Independence-2430 on

    Saying the quiet part out loud.

    Meanwhile this has been obvious to anyone halfway knowledgeable about the region for 8 months.

  6. Drphil1969 on

    If Iran did nothing and watched the peaceful recognition of the state of Israel by regional powers, Iran’s government would be in question. After all, to justify you political existence you need an enemy to validate your political power. If the Muslim world generally accepts Israel it would lead to Iran’s government downfall

  7. Salty_Jocks on

    And I hear that Saudi Arabi assisted in downing Iranian missiles inbound to Israel. Jordan as well.

    That must hurt Palestinian’s and there sympathizers that Muslim countries are helping to protect Israel?

  8. BristolBerg on

    Ukraine was invaded because its strong relation to the west and Israel was attacked because it was creating a pact with power muslim nations that are anti-Iran.

  9. The more the truth is revealed, the weaker Iran becomes. Overthrowing that government is getting more realistic by the day.

  10. the12thman2014 on

    Sounds big that they are admitting it. Maybe quietly drop the Palestinian state requirement? That would prolong the normalization process preventing them from publicly supporting each other as strongly. Obviously the Saudis need the Israelis military and US relationship. The Israelis could really use Saudi money for more defenses and their economy. 

  11. Throwaway__shmoe on

    Judaism. Christianity. Islam. All congregated in one geographical location, not hard to “engineer a war” with that many competing ideologies.

  12. I_am_albatross on

    Like Jimmy McGill sending hookers to sabotage Howard Hamlin’s lunch

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