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I, for one, can’t wait to feel the benefits of this, lol.
0.1% It’s definitely not an error and we definitely won’t be told in a few months that the numbers were restated and there was actually a contraction..
0.1%. Break out the champagne life has never been so good!
This 0.1% growth as ‘breaking news’ feels all too convenient given the recent political backdrop over the last week.
Oh, I’m glad the billionaires are 0.1% richer (that’s £100 million).
We did it everybody, everyone pat yourself on the back
Be that as it may.
It’s only a measure of money.
This is while gas and electricity prices are high.
Petrol and diesel prices are high.
Food prices higher than ever.
People are dying in corridors in our hospitals.
But the economy has grown. Let’s all shout from the roof tops shall we.
The interest rate for our governments borrowing costs is nearly 1% higher than GDP and inflation. If this carries on, our government can do ine of two things. Tax us more which will be against their manifesto pledges. Or they can do an emergency budget and cut spending. Austerity again. NHS will suffer, public transport, roads. It will affect anyone who isn’t on the Sunday times rich list.
If only the government could see a graph showing our happiness.
And inflation came in lower than expected. Something tells me it’s not all doom and gloom.
When you increase the population by 1% a year you’d need at least 1% growth just to maintain the same standard of living.
Now let’s see GDP per capita.
I hope the people mocking this are the same ones who were apoplectic when we were down by 0.1% in recent months, claiming it was all Labour’s fault.
To remove any doubt, I suggest you take a look at [our performance over the past few years](https://www.statista.com/statistics/970941/quarterly-gdp-growth-uk/)
0.1% is not growth. In the private sector, nobody would be celebrating that, if anything shit would start flying. We need to define a stagnant/ neutral figure (imho 0-2%).
There’s not enough push to really drive change to achieve high figures. Equally it should be viewed as GDP per person to avoid immigration skewing the figures.
0.1%… these results are often amended a couple of months down the line.
I thought we were predicted to have reasonable growth moving forward? The IMF has us at 1.5% GDP annual growth, I’m confused.
Misleading headline alert:
‘Sterling was last down 0.2pc against the dollar at $1.221 and was 0.3pc lower versus the euro, which is worth 84.3p.’
This is BAD NEWS.
There is nowhere near enough growth….especially after Xmas. I said yesterday consumers are not spending and Rachel from complaints has crushed business incentive with her taxes.
They’ve wrecked the economy and we’re heading for huge public sector and welfare cuts.
All we need is a few more quarters like that and we will be back to 2019 living standards. Whooo!!!
Why are we being led by this moronic single indicator ?
The party of “easily available energy” is over. There’s no “magic” energy coming to replace oil, the blood of our economy, that we cannot physically keep on extracting faster and faster.
Will you blame ecologists, socialists ? Or the real culprits that lied and pretented for decades that “they were not sure their products were killing us and let the future generations handle it” ?
“b-bu-but it’s happening under labour so it must be bad”