TL:DR – PP is against anything that he needs to be to get elected, alternatively, PP is for anything that he needs to be to get elected.
Really PP is just power hungry.
--prism on
I don’t get it either. There is no alternative where we continue to emit carbon like we do now indefinitely. Atmospheric physics is quickly catching up to us. So if he’s against a tax fine but he’ll be on the hook for bailing out insurance companies and paying to fight wildfire instead. The cost is baked in whether it’s a tax or otherwise.
[deleted] on
RudeTudeDude_ on
Because it takes jobs away from Canadians, limits productivity, makes business reluctant to invest and drives away competition. It also does very little for the environment. Very thankful its days are numbered.
brandson__ on
Because it’s an easy target for a wedge issue which he can be really loud about, despite it not having that much of an impact on daily life, and use it to avoid having to talk about solutions to much bigger problems, like our economy being too heavily based on real estate instead of manufacturing and innovation, and the lack of jobs (and hope) for many Canadians, especially young Canadians.
bloodandsunshine on
He is a contrarian. He doesn’t like what most people do and he doesn’t want what is best for the most people.
I find this to be the most useful lens and label to examine his actions and intentions.
TheobromineC7H8N4O2 on
Its an easy policy to make up a three word sentence about that confirms existing Conservative priors that taxes are inherently bad.
If Trudeau was for a cap and trade system, PP would be for a carbon tax the simpler free market solution. But politics precedes policy.
gibblech on
Because he wants to get elected… or he’s an idiot… or both /shrug
If we were to remove Carbon Pricing, without replacing it, we’d be violating many agreements we signed on to, such as the Paris Agreement. That will damage our standing with many of our allies.
In addition, many EU countries are implementing Carbon Border Adjustments, which, without our own carbon reduction initiative, would result in increased tariffs on our exports into these countries, and affect us economically.
tl;dr; it will weaken Canada’s global standing and ability to negotiate deals, as well as reducing the attractiveness of our exports, harming our economy
ChimoEngr on
It was implemented by the LPC, and opposition to a “job killing carbon tax” was baked into the DNA of the CPC at it’s founding. Like the article states in the beginning, the answer is politics, and that is where it ends. Poilievre doesn’t care if it’s good or not, opposition to it is key to his brand, and isn’t something that he can change now.
CapGullible8403 on
Because he thinks his job as leader of the Official Opposition is to officially oppose everything the governing party does.
CorneredSponge on
Sometimes, people are against a policy which drives politicians- aiming to reflect popular support- to also campaign against a policy.
TL:DR – PP is against anything that he needs to be to get elected, alternatively, PP is for anything that he needs to be to get elected.
Really PP is just power hungry.
I don’t get it either. There is no alternative where we continue to emit carbon like we do now indefinitely. Atmospheric physics is quickly catching up to us. So if he’s against a tax fine but he’ll be on the hook for bailing out insurance companies and paying to fight wildfire instead. The cost is baked in whether it’s a tax or otherwise.
Because it takes jobs away from Canadians, limits productivity, makes business reluctant to invest and drives away competition. It also does very little for the environment. Very thankful its days are numbered.
Because it’s an easy target for a wedge issue which he can be really loud about, despite it not having that much of an impact on daily life, and use it to avoid having to talk about solutions to much bigger problems, like our economy being too heavily based on real estate instead of manufacturing and innovation, and the lack of jobs (and hope) for many Canadians, especially young Canadians.
He is a contrarian. He doesn’t like what most people do and he doesn’t want what is best for the most people.
I find this to be the most useful lens and label to examine his actions and intentions.
Its an easy policy to make up a three word sentence about that confirms existing Conservative priors that taxes are inherently bad.
If Trudeau was for a cap and trade system, PP would be for a carbon tax the simpler free market solution. But politics precedes policy.
Because he wants to get elected… or he’s an idiot… or both /shrug
If we were to remove Carbon Pricing, without replacing it, we’d be violating many agreements we signed on to, such as the Paris Agreement. That will damage our standing with many of our allies.
In addition, many EU countries are implementing Carbon Border Adjustments, which, without our own carbon reduction initiative, would result in increased tariffs on our exports into these countries, and affect us economically.
tl;dr; it will weaken Canada’s global standing and ability to negotiate deals, as well as reducing the attractiveness of our exports, harming our economy
It was implemented by the LPC, and opposition to a “job killing carbon tax” was baked into the DNA of the CPC at it’s founding. Like the article states in the beginning, the answer is politics, and that is where it ends. Poilievre doesn’t care if it’s good or not, opposition to it is key to his brand, and isn’t something that he can change now.
Because he thinks his job as leader of the Official Opposition is to officially oppose everything the governing party does.
Sometimes, people are against a policy which drives politicians- aiming to reflect popular support- to also campaign against a policy.