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This guy is such a turbocunt. Has he considered that his public track record of narcissism and acting like a complete prick to employees and suppliers isn’t the biggest motivator for his staff?
“How dare the plebs not want to work themselves to death so I can buy a new mansion, how inconsiderate and lazy of them!”
>*“I think the whole concept of work-life balance was invented by people who hate the work that they do. If you love what you do, you don’t need work-life balance, you need work-life integration,” Watt shared in a now-deleted Instagram post, accompanied by his fiancée, actor and businesswoman Georgia Toffolo.*
>*Toffolo chimed in, saying, “It’s so true, when I met James I was quite taken aback at how aligned we are in the important stuff and one of those things was a lack of work-life balance in a really beautiful way.”*
>*“Work knows no bounds. Constantly in our home, we are working but we do things we find incredibly fulfilling and we also have a supportive other half that loves that high-octane obsession with what we do,” she continued.*
>*“I’ve always known I would end up with someone like James because it wouldn’t work otherwise.*
>*”If someone was saying ‘you need to knock off now,’ I would be thinking ‘what, do you not like my business? Do you not believe in me? Are we not striving towards the same thing?’”*
How dare they want to go see their kids play at school don’t they know they love my business
He’s such a fucking banger it’s actually impressive. Any time he’s in the news he’s just making a cunt of himself
Boss wants to work every hour to make money for his next range rover, wonders why staff don’t want to help him do that.
Fuck off Brewdog.
“When he left the company, he mentioned plans to “take a bit of time off, to travel, to spend more time with my family and friends,”
Direct quote…
> I think the whole concept of work-life balance was invented by people who hate the work that they do.
This is such a self own. He’s basically just saying that he is a really shit employer and his staff hate their jobs.
The shelf stackers are supposed to be passionate about their careers, are they?
Was this the same guy who was accused of sexualy harassing his employees? Either way he sounds like a right charmer. How dare people want to see their children or use their limited time on earth for activities other than making him rich.
I actually like their beer. Which is a shame, because everytime this guy opens his mouth something shite comes out.
No one on their death bed said that they wished they worked more. What a cock
Man whose wealth comes from expropriating the surplus labour of his employees wonders why those employees aren’t putting in more effort to make him even richer at great cost to themselves. Goes to show that intelligence and compassion are not pre-requisites for running a successful business which says a lot about where the collective values of society are.
He is a massive cunt and his missus is unbearable. He has really always been holier than thou but these days he seems to really lean into it but to also he oblivious to it
the slaves have realised the won’t be exploited by a millionaire boss didums dickhead
I get roughly 50% of my pay taxed, then on absolutely everything else I do under the sun after that.
Probably (and expectedly) won’t see my state pension. The road system is a mess – trains too. I now have to book in advance to visit the tip. Have to fight investment firms and prospective landlords (foreign or otherwise) going well beyond asking price for homes. Blah blah blah….
And he wonders why we simply can’t be fucked with work? Its a means to an end for most of the planet.
His quote makes me proud to be British.
Who gives a toss if as a nation we don’t want to work ourselves to death when the cost of living means we can’t even afford to buy our self a decent home
Top ten tips for UK workers:
Don’t take advice from people who sexually harass others.
That’s it.
He is right in the sense that if you love your work then a need for a “work life balance” does alter.
What he seems to ignore though is that A) most people don’t have the same incentives to work as he does and B) there are loads of jobs that need doing that realistic nobody is going to love enough to not want time off.
Honestly when I was setting up a business I worked crazy hours and had no life outside it really. Things worked out and I sold it for plenty of money. The staff had equity and the more they had the more willing they were to commit in similar fashion.
Outside of that any employer I’ve had has gotten what they’ve paid for. It’s simple. They give me money I exchange it for a specified amount of my labour.
In other words “why don’t plebs work longer,harder for less money so I can spend more time talking to the media being a complete wanker”
No job is worth being miserable over. Irony is that i loved working in a pub – a solid group of staff anywhere can make all the difference.
Does he not realise the UK work more than most of Europe? Basically only the US work more and that’s because of their archaic laws.
Why are most F1 teams in the UK? Because it’s well known within the paddock that if the teams were based elsewhere in Europe (ignoring the fact the skill base is here) that worker laws would mean they would have to hire more people to spread the load.
In a world where he gets his wish, no-one would then have the time off to drink his product, and he’d be whinging about that.
Work harder peasants says member of the ownership class.
‘Dumb right winger, notorious for stealing applicants ideas, trying to trick the public into bullying a council to sell land way under value and having a LinkedIn poll on whether he should delay his marriage for tax reasons, says another dumb thing.’
Fixed that headline for you.
‘Brewdog founder outed as supporter of zero life / work balance. Says he got inspiration from the Nazi death camps’.
Good. We should not live to feed a beast that does not actually benefit us. There is more to life than work as we know it and it is time we admitted that. I want more time for hobbies and volunteering, however working a 24/7 rota does not make that easy, especially as I lose a day feeling drained after a night shift.
We are obsessed with GDP and productivity in the UK, except we have increasing poverty (including working poverty) and a very low productivity level. A proper work/life balance would actually do more to redress both of those. Happier and healthier workers are going to be more productive; people not wasting their time on pointless busy work are also going to feel that the work they do do is worthwhile.
Working people to the bone for the promise of a pittance, thus twat’s dream scenario, is only working against him in the long run.
His opinion is about as valid as that plumber fella who wants to look like Rod Stewart
We’re not Americans, we’re not easily swayed by bullshit like that
god i miss when brewdog was just a cool new beer brand doing things differently to the big beer companies who have all merged into a frankensteins monster so that they really all taste the same
if only this cunt knew when to keep his mouth shut