Not sure the accuracy given the low rate of reporting in South Asia.
HiddenoO on
How was this data collected? If it’s self-reported, comparing different cultures frankly makes little sense as different cultures would likely have a large impact on when somebody would consider something rape or sexual assault and when they’d consider actually reporting it.
koboldium on
There is no way Asian numbers are that low, must be either due to women not reporting it, or authorities manipulating the statistics.
Realistic_Lead8421 on
What does this even mean? ‘contsct sexual violence? How is that defined and how was it measured?
gamer_redditor on
In this thread: world views being shattered.
Entire-Reindeer3571 on
Bullshit data. Experience in various concepts and cultures shows there is no way that data is all accurate.
That’s not reflected in how the world works.
williarya1323 on
It seems strange to group North America and Europe. I would think the difference between those two as noteworthy, if not profound. Does this lack of distinction imply equivalent data? Or something that might be a flaw in the analysis?
Not sure the accuracy given the low rate of reporting in South Asia.
How was this data collected? If it’s self-reported, comparing different cultures frankly makes little sense as different cultures would likely have a large impact on when somebody would consider something rape or sexual assault and when they’d consider actually reporting it.
There is no way Asian numbers are that low, must be either due to women not reporting it, or authorities manipulating the statistics.
What does this even mean? ‘contsct sexual violence? How is that defined and how was it measured?
In this thread: world views being shattered.
Bullshit data. Experience in various concepts and cultures shows there is no way that data is all accurate.
That’s not reflected in how the world works.
It seems strange to group North America and Europe. I would think the difference between those two as noteworthy, if not profound. Does this lack of distinction imply equivalent data? Or something that might be a flaw in the analysis?
What is a “contact sexual violence”? It’s not ass grabing, is it? Oh, it also includes foul language.
**Insert obvious joke about most Australians being descended from convicts**