Entlassen und ungläubig werden einige Long-COVID-Patienten in die Psychiatrie gebracht



  1. Sea_Outside on

    i had long covid. phantom pains from stomach, to back, to wrist, to even your face going numb. completely random and at times it felt like I was losing my mind because of how spontaneous they were.

    I don’t know what happened, maybe because i’m young and healthy so I’d like to say it has passed, but for those who are not, or even those who are unlucky – well it’s definitely a terrible affliction.

  2. one2tinker on

    One of my friends has long COVID. It’s like his brain stopped working. He went from a typical guy capable of a relatively complex job to someone who is absolutely crippled with anxiety and depression and unable to work. He lost the ability to read, though he seems to have made progress there. All of this destroyed his marriage, the relationships with his grown kids, and his career. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

  3. somewhat like those from the Spanish flu who never recovered so are these people. it doesn’t seem like we learned anything and are treating them much the same though.

  4. I’ve noticed this correlation before. These long COVID symptoms mirror some Gulf Ear Illness symptoms. One study [here](https://www.jneurology.com/articles/anthrax-and-gulf-war-illness-gwi-evidence-for-the-presence-of-harmful-anthrax-antigen-pa63-in-the-serum-of-veterans-with-gwi.html) still found antigens in veteran’s systems. The last year for this particular vaccine was 2003.

    **note** this in ***no way*** should be misconstrued as anti vax. I am ***absolutely not*** anti vax, and neither should any of you take that stance.

    I have many of the symptoms in the article. A constant vertigo sensation, which the Mayo Clinic says is persistent postural perception dizziness, since 2007.

    I have small fiber neuropathy from my neck line down. This, we think, was kicked off by jet fuel and perpetuated by the antigens. It began in early 2006. My last exposure, of any chronic type, to jet fuel was mid 2006.

    The overloading of my nervous system has caused central sensitization syndrome.

    I suddenly developed UC in my late 30s. I’ve never had shingles or any other usual risk factor issues. It led to colon removal and a J pouch.

    Likely related to CSS: tremors, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, memory dysfunction

    I’m purely armchair speculating, but I’d wager there is some sort of body wide immune mechanism that we haven’t discovered before, which causes these antigens to attack everything and just not stop. That mechanism may be some sort of puzzle activation. You need part a,b,and z for this to occur. A being the right type of disease, B being genetic and Z being environmental. (Note, *very* basic puzzle to say the least).

    I have contact with a handful of friends who both served and received the same 5 shot series. The severity of symptoms ranges wildly from nothing at all to me. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the discrepancy. We all would have had roughly the same environmental exposure.

    Again, completely armchair. If someone knows more than please, by all means, eviscerate me. I just find it incredibly interesting that the symptoms line up.

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