Laut einer Umfrage bevorzugen die Liberalen Mark Carney gegenüber Chrystia Freeland als nächsten Spitzenreiter


  1. CyrilSneerLoggingDiv on

    But does the party itself. Would the Liberal MP’s feel more confident with their lauded friend Freeland (who forced Trudeau to finally listen to them and resign) at the helm, or a parachuted in global elitist banker candidate that basically none of them know but will have to trust to take the helm.

  2. Prairie_Sky79 on

    In other words, they prefer “Ignatieff 2.0” over “Liberal Kim Campbell”. Can’t say I blame them, even though it would be a cold day in Hell before I’d vote for either, or any of the other contenders at that.

  3. Master-File-9866 on

    Freeland is a very good politician. And would be an excellent option for prime minister, however I do not think the timing is good for her.

    Carney and his very impressive finacial resume better meet the needs of canada right now.

  4. Destroinretirement on

    He’s going to smash her. Crush her. She’s dead. It’s over.

  5. Talinn_Makaren on

    Me too. For a while yesterday I was worried there would be no candidates, actually.

  6. Draugakjallur on

    Is feminist Trudeau going to publicly support Freeland to give us the first Liberal female PM?

    The answer is no because the “progressive” Liberal Party default setting is rich old white male.

  7. M83Spinnaker on

    There is no comparison here. Carney is leagues beyond in competence. Bank of Canada is undeniably one of the best run institutions on the planet. We need his skill set right now. Finance+Economy+Stability.

  8. maria_la_guerta on

    Good. Freeland quit in the most dramatic, damning way possible the exact day she was supposed to deliver a doubled budget. Why should the Liberal party or any Canadian trust her now?

  9. Remember Trudeau’s comment about Kamala Harris not being elected um wonder what he will say now.

  10. Soon enough the Liberal party is just going to turn into some sort of neo-conservative party, and then it’s going to be The Conservatives, the Neo-Conservatives, and the NDP. 

  11. peaceandkindred on

    Carney is clearly the only one with a shot at ensuring the liberal ship doesn’t totally and utterly sink next election.

    I means either way I think its a con majority but Carney might help prevent them losing opposition status.

    Freeland is complete and utter crap and her incompetence has been on public display for years. She is already tainted as a key part of the terrible liberal strategy that brought Canada to where we are today and if she thinks her stunt that helped bring down Trudeau made her some political goddess it really shows how out of touch she is, which was already a big issue for her. I’m blown away that she lacks the self awareness to realize that and is seeking leadership. She would do better to wait an election cycle or two to improve the public opinion of her.

  12. cloudyrabbit0 on

    I mean freeland is wildly unlikable I don’t even understand why she’d get the nod other than to feel the burn of the fires she set herself

  13. If Gerald Butts and Kate Telford are his chief advisors, than the cons would be correct in saying he is Trudeau 2.0.

  14. uprightshark on

    He did save Canada in the 2008 financial crisis. Freeland has Trudeau smell all over her.

  15. Consistent_Cook9957 on

    Regardless of who wins, they’ll have to wear the Trudeau smell at the next election.

  16. rougekhmero on

    He had some interesting things to say last night on his daily show interview

  17. YeetCompleet on

    I mean, I’ve been happy with having Brookfield Asset Management and Brookfield Corp in my portfolio… So maybe? lol

  18. Oh Trudeaus number 2 isn’t a popular choice? Who could have seen that coming?

  19. Ok-Decision41 on

    Let’s conclude the psy-op that Freeland was ever wanted by the public.

  20. SunPossible260 on

    I will vote for the Liberals if Carney is leader. I will vote PP if Freeland is leader. I’ve been a Carney fan since Brexit and how he handled that. He’s an admirable guy and a genius in stabilizing economies. I feel he is a strong patriot too.

  21. sleipnir45 on

    These are some terrible numbers, I don’t think I’d want to be either one of them.

    “Carney had the support of 27 per cent of Liberal voters, while Chrystia Freeland was second with 21 per cent and Clark was a distant third at six per cent.

    Carney and Freeland were almost tied among all of the poll’s respondents, with Freeland one point ahead at 14 per cent”

  22. Hamshaggy70 on

    Freeland seems like a big step back for thr LPC, time to move on from the JT era imo…

  23. NahDawgDatAintMe on

    Can they just put in a boring person that studied economics or finance to run our country? It’s pretty clear at this point that all ministers outside of the prime minister don’t make choices. They just follow orders.

  24. moutonbleu on

    Carney is the most competent and qualified politician right now to deal with the economy and trade issues right now imho, but will still probably lose in the next general election given Trudeau’s reign. Regardless, I hope he win; his resume is solid.

  25. GiveIceCream on

    Carney will defeat PP in the next election… Canada is crying out for grownups!

  26. Cool-Economics6261 on

    The drawback about Mark Carney is that he can’t campaign with the message that he was part of running 51ster, Jordan Peterson, out of Canada. 

  27. ChiefHighasFuck on

    Typical Globalist, appears on a foreign Countries talk show to “launch” his campaign, just weird.

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