Warum sind so viele „Nachrichten“ so heißes Geschwätz…? Oh.

Von ExNihiloAdInfinitum


  1. ExNihiloAdInfinitum on

    SS: Aren’t some of these core requirements of good journalism? How does one wind up as a successful journalist when “suppressing bias” is one of their weak points (on average)? Who hires/promotes them and why? Is good journalism subordinate to some higher goal?


  2. MiserableMulberryMan on

    From the article;

    >It is not yet peer reviewed, and the sample size is small, so the results should not be taken necessarily as fact.

    This article is from 2017, so it’s possible it has been peer reviewed at this point, but I can’t find it in my brief search.

    That being said, the answer to some of OP’s questions are that we simply don’t reward good journalism in this country. We reward hot takes, shouting matches, and takedowns. The media sucks, but the media sucks because it acquiesces to what we tell it we want to see.

  3. Imaginary_Unit5109 on

    How many ppl took this test. What is consider a journalist. There loser youtubers who called themselves journalist who interview random ppl on the street without asking real questions. This is so stupid and how do you measure bias.

    This is the thing that is so stupid. Everyone is bias the people who say they are neutral or in the middle is lying or they really stupid and do not know the topic to give a real point. Knowing a person position of a topic is fine. The problem is will they lie or leave out information to prove their point is still real. If the answer is yes they are terrible journalist. Good journalist are people who seek the truth. No matter what their position.

  4. Fluffy-Structure-368 on

    Also journalists don’t have degrees in the topics they are covering so they have very little understanding of what they’re talking about.

  5. DecentlyJealous on

    And I remember Joe Rogan said (so take it with a grain of salt) that a lot (a LOT) of journalists are on Adderall. Which would be because they have ADHD i.e. problems with executive functioning.

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