Gedanken dazu?

    Von SkiFastEatAss_6969


    1. lakesuperior929 on

      I like it. But maybe at a less politically charged time? Right around the inauguration seems sketchy

    2. HurricanePirate16 on

      So keep doing what I’ve been doing for the past decade? Guess I can handle that

    3. Someone trying to do something but there are way more someones that will do nothing, so, free advertising.

    4. Fabrics_Of_Time on

      Eh, is this the new Q black out thing? Since none of the prophecies come true do they just ask their followers to log out from now on 🤣

    5. Big_Kahuna100 on

      Definitely won’t happen people are addicted to social media worse than drugs

    6. EUGsk8rBoi42p on

      Zuck is pretty chill now, like how he is allowing uncensored speech again, able to criticize certain people and bring up certain issues again, dope af. He seems way legit.

    7. Radio_Global on

      My ass been banned from insta 3 years ago, and fb 4 months ago. I went out the hard way lol

    8. JacoPoopstorius on

      I got off everything except WhatsApp years ago. Instagram closer to a decade ago at this point. I saw the writing on the wall. If you really care that much about this, get off of those apps. You don’t need them. You’re just addicted to them.

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