Die Fortschritte in der EU hin zu einer Europäischen Armee- und Verteidigungsunion lösten bei Putins Brexit-Lakaien Panik aus. Den jüngsten Umfragen zufolge wollen die meisten Briten wieder beitreten. Der Brexit könnte als der größte Schwindel gelten, der dem britischen Volk jemals angetan wurde


  1. EUstrongerthanUS on

    SS: Some Brexiteers are expressing growing alarm over the European Union’s advancements toward a Defence Union and the prospect of a European army. These developments, which have accelerated in recent years and months, are seen as a significant step toward deeper integration—a goal they opposed but will happen regardless.

    The EU has made considerable strides in its defence policy, including initiatives like the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), the European Defence Fund (EDF), and increased coordination and integration among states on military projects. This growing cooperation aims to reduce reliance on the United States,  create a more autonomous European defense capability and eventually a full-fledged Defence Union. For some Brexiteers there is palpable concern that Britain, now outside the EU, will find itself increasingly isolated in the face of a united European defense apparatus and that it will further marginalize Britain’s influence in European security affairs. 

    Britain now is in the worst of both worlds. And the situation is not sustainable. A reintegration is inevitable.

  2. Few-Worldliness2131 on

    Greatest own goal ever scored. Brush public were lied to and to make matters worse those responsible for ensuring it didn’t happen were so damn arrogant they launched a useless campaign to convince people to stay. All around the greatest cock up ever.

  3. sunnyspiders on

    It’s easiest to fool the willing.

    They’re angry but they have no idea what they’re actually angry at.

    An agitated and distressed populace will absolutely punch themselves in the face if they’re convinced it’s the smart thing to do.

    Unchecked proliferation of social media has literally reprogrammed citizens in foreign countries.  Russia does it covertly, America does it because it has no guard rails on social media or technology.

    Bro technocracy rules the earth through smartphone diplomacy.

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