Unbekannter alter Film, der zu Hause entwickelt wurde – können Sie erkennen, wo und +/- wann das ist?


Von Inexpressible


  1. Inexpressible on

    I am into analog photography and as i recently taught a friend how to use a 35mm camera he went out and bought a small lot of old cameras with some film. He received also some rolls of 120 medium format film (which i shoot) and gifted them to me as he’s only shooting 35mm (for now). One roll of **Kodak Panatomic-X** was in a small can and sealed with the “exposed” sticker. Assuming that film stock existed from 1933 till the late 80’s / early 90’s i can assume that this film is **at least 35 years** old but propably older.

    I developed the film at home using Rodinal 50+1. The ink of the cover paper bled a little onto the negatives and the film is slightly fogged due to the age i assume but still some good pictures.

    So i’m just curious if somebody can pinpoint the exact locations as i’m not much of a hiker. Berner oberland for sure. For all i know everybody on the photos could be deceased already but if you, by any chance, think you see a relative on those photos please feel free to contact me if you want the negatives or some high-res scans.

  2. antiponerologist on

    Somewhere above Grindelwald. Could be the area of First which used to have a chairlift going up (now it’s a cabin lift AFAIK).

    The mountain on 8, 9 and leftmost on 12 is Eiger. 11 could be Wetterhorn.

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