Für die KI im Gesundheitswesen sind viele teure Menschen erforderlich



  1. fulthrottlejazzhands on

    This is true for AI in general.  In my industry, we’ve been replacing people with AI for years.  Thing is, for every two people replaced, there’s a single developler (and infra) added that costs as much as those laid off people.  And there isn’t a time whwre this will even out since every new “feature” requires more specialized tech workers.

    This is the crux of the AI racket for MSFT and Google: sell it as efficiency, get it engrained, then require customers to pay ever-increasing costs.

  2. Well duh, that’s why anytime someone tells me ai will replace engineers I laugh a little on the inside. No, it wont replace engineers, it will ensure they are needed.

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