Netflix und andere Streaming-Dienste sind jetzt in den Netzwerken der Bundesregierung gesperrt


  1. Prestigious_Net_8356 on

    They’re going to have to bring their entertainment on a flash drive.

  2. >YouTube, Facebook and other social media sites will remain available for government workers.

  3. Ralupopun-Opinion on

    Can’t they just download episodes before going into work to watch while at work?

  4. > “While network traffic monitoring shows limited traffic to these sites from government systems and an insignificant impact on network bandwidth usage, streaming services are not considered work tools and offer no business value for the Government of Canada,” said the statement.

    sounds like something that wasn’t a problem and was probably a waste of time to deal with

  5. victhebutcher2020 on

    So what’s stopping them from just streaming using their unlimited cell data plan (even making a hotspot for their laptop if desired).

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