Der Mars taucht heute Nacht hinter dem Mond wieder auf


  1. I shot multiple frames every 3 seconds and will be stacking images later for better clarity!

    Camera: Canon R7 
    Lens: Sigma 150-600mm Contemporary 
    Exposure: 1/200s f/10 ISO200
    Editing: Lightroom Mobile on Android
    Star Tracker Mount: Skywatcher AZ GTI

  2. PianoMan2112 on

    All the talk about this, but I didn’t see anything mention it’s also within 1 day of Mars’ closest approach to Earth, so it’s larger in these photos than normal. (Unfortunately I live in the crappy Northeast US where it’s cloudy from December to May, so I missed this, and will probably miss the entire close approach.)

  3. Deleteaccount245096 on

    I saw that tonight in my telescope and I had no idea what I was looking at. You just resolved my curiosity. Thanks! Went back outside to see it through my telescope again and now the sun is creating too much extra light for me to see it well.

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