Allstate wurde verklagt, weil das Unternehmen mithilfe von in beliebte Apps eingebetteter Spyware heimlich Daten von 45 Millionen Amerikanern gesammelt hatte. Die gesammelten Daten wurden zur Erhöhung der Versicherungsprämien verwendet

Von MinerDon


  1. TheGargageMan on

    My decision to use a flip phone seems like a better idea all the time. I’d like to know what apps were doing this.

  2. VincentFostersGhost on

    Thank you OP this is the kind of content I visit for… Actual criminal conspiracy that directly impacts my quality of life. Fuck you Allstate.

    CEO should do jail time

  3. ConcreteKeys on

    Mayebe people will get an $8.32 check someday and everything will be okay again.

  4. the amount of information that is available out there is just staggering, whether something you agreed to or something that was collected without you knowing. my phone probably knows more about me than i do – it can tell you how fast i was driving to work 329 days ago, it can tell you exactly how much time i spend on reddit.

    it’s just.. yeah allstate is bad for not publicizing it and is being sued for this, but this is barely the tip of the iceberg.

    and now with ai being able to be fed raw data and come out with easy to understand descriptions.. you can feed it transaction histories, cell tower/gps/bluetooth locations, and pretty much tell the story of your day.

    pandora’s box has been opened for information gathering/surveillance a long time ago, i think the best thing is to just try to be aware of it, and minimize your footprint as much as possible.

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