Kalifornien trotzt der Demokratie. Die Wähler erteilten Trump ein Mandat für Massenabschiebungen. Und Kalifornien kämpft für den Schutz von Ausländern, die es nicht verdienen, hier zu sein.

    Von DueDrama8301


    1. DueDrama8301 on

      Submission Statement:

      California is literally protecting violent felons and Drug Cartels just to stick it to Trump.

      >The move — the first of its kind in the nation that positions California to lead a second term resistance against Donald Trump — comes as Republicans bash state Democratic leaders for focusing on a the highly partisan issue even as the southern part of the state suffers from historically devastating fires.

      Definitely a Insurrection. How can you resist Democracy?


    2. BestUnion5883 on

      California is already screwed because of newsom. Its not trump but newsom whos the problem.

    3. Californian here. A lot of us are not liberal and are appalled by the current policies and management. But simply just moving out of the state is not an easy option as most think of course.

    4. And Trump is thanking the heavens and hoping other states join in, bc he was never going to do it in the first place.

    5. henhousefox on

      I mean, they are helping out out the fires. You know who really doesn’t deserve to be here? THE BILLIONAIRES THAT DONT PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES AND CAUSE EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM WE HAVE. FUCK THE OLIGARCHY!!!

    6. Healthy-Candle-6287 on

      How terrible for California – the citizens should reject this in light of all the damage Newsom is doing to their beautiful state.

    7. MiserableMulberryMan on

      How is this “defying democracy?”

      Does Trump’s election victory give him carte blanche to do whatever he wants? Can he usurp the constitution and deport people without due process or deport people here who are lawfully awaiting asylum arbitration? Is nobody allowed to challenge the legal process or authority he uses to do so?

      The idea that California is going to go through our agreed upon methods of arbitration in order to stymie potential federal overreach is the exact opposite of “defying democracy.”

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