Der Walmart-Effekt. Neue Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass das Unternehmen die Gemeinden, in denen es tätig ist, ärmer macht – selbst wenn man seine berühmten niedrigen Preise berücksichtigt.


  1. alwaysfatigued8787 on

    Probably because it has a negative impact on a lot of local businesses.

  2. nubsauce87 on

    Yeah, we’ve been fairly certain of that for decades… hell, South Park did an episode about it.

  3. iDontRememberCorn on

    New research? This has been a proven fact for decades, there are entire documentaries about exactly this.

  4. macromorgan on

    An eventual monopoly on local goods with a monopsony on local labor will do that to a community, yes.

  5. Walmart is a parasite feeding on our country. Taking and not giving back. Amazon is even worse. Target, McDonalds, fleet feet, olive garden, and ever other chain that is destroying our communities.

  6. Maximum_Poet_8661 on

    I’ll have to find it but there was an r/economics thread about this and someone had a very good breakdown about how this pretty much exactly reverses cause and effect. Walmart is very good at identifying areas where all the mom and pop stores are already failing/on their way out, and tends to move into those areas. So it’s less that Walmart is causing the decline and more that Walmart goes where the decline is already well underway.

  7. PrisonCity_Cowboy on

    I’m new to this idea. If a community replaces a “cheap” store in their town with one with higher prices, then how does that help with buying things?

  8. I had always heard the “Walmart Effect” to be directly related to the low prices:

    Essentially, data shows people will over-shop due to the lower prices and will overextend their budgets by purchasing more than originally intended, keeping them poor.

  9. tomsbombadil on

    Cap the pay rate of almost an entire small town and send the profits out.

    In the small town I am referencing, each department in Walmart shut down a mom and pop brick and mortar within walking distance.

    Profits shipped out, old shops are left to rot.

  10. ballsohaahd on

    Cuz they don’t pay shit lol, yea that’s gonna make people poorer

  11. usafnerdherd on

    Walmart is interchangeable with any major retailer in this case. Your local businesses are spending their money in your local community. Their shelves are made with lumber purchased from your local lumberyard. They tend to pay their employees better than big corporations. Big businesses like Walmart push companies like Sterilite to manufacture their products overseas to meet the “low price” demands. They’re in it to make money and you’re always going to be the one paying for it, but the hidden costs of big business are insidious.

  12. agree-with-me on

    Because it sucks the wealth from the community.

    _Every_ franchise you purchase from sucks money from your community. Someone far away uses your money to pay for their houses, cars and yachts. You save a few bucks because they can buy in super-bulk. Small businesses and restaurants can’t keep up.

    Eventually, your community suffers. It’s a play on human nature, and we all fall for it.

    You want a better country? You have to be the change you wish to see.

  13. dvbrigade1 on

    Crazy how Walmart mastered the art of ‘saving money, living worse’ for everyone but the Waltons…

  14. letdogsvote on

    Of course it does, and has done this for years.

    It goes into a small community filled with mom and pops. It undercuts them all with that wonderful low low pricing. It drives them out of business because they just can’t compete. All those successful mom and pops dry up. People making good livings are now unemployed. What to do? The only place for a job is…Walmart. At less pay and just enough hours to keep you from qualifying for benefits.

    It’s awful. I’ve never been in or bought anything from a Walmart and plan on never doing so. They’re a cancer.

  15. Walmart isn’t even cheaper. It’s just cheaper at the register. But because they destroy small businesses and pay such shit wages Americans spend $6+ billion in benefits to employees of Walmart.

  16. amazinglover on

    Wal-Mart comes in and lowers prices.

    Other companies have to follow suit to stay competitive, but many can’t because they don’t have the resources Wal-Mart does.

    This led to many closing up shops and leaving just Wal-Mart and other big box retailers.

    Less competition on the job market means lower wages.

    Yeah, they lower the cost of goods, but they also drive down wages and drive out competition.

  17. Biggie8000 on

    They sell a t-shirt for let say $5 that put the local small guy who sell a t-shirt for 15.99 out of business. Sad but true

  18. joecool42069 on

    well no shit… they setup shop on the edge of a small community. They purposely make sure they have the lowest prices in the area, even at a loss, to drive out the local competition. Then when they’ve driven all the competition out of the community they’re free to fuck with the prices at their discretion.

    On top of that, because they’ve driven out all the competition’s jobs. They become one of the largest employers in that community and can pay lower wages and benefits. Even to the point where people are paid so little, they still qualify and have been encouraged by Walmart management to apply for government benefits.

  19. MaddiMuddStarr on

    How is this new?? There was a documentary about this 20 years ago. We’ve known this for a long time. We aren’t going to do anything about it.

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