Zur Sicherung kritischer Mineralien sind weitere Minen im Vereinigten Königreich erforderlich, warnt der Wachhund


    Von SlySquire


    1. Now that could deliver some quality local growth to areas that really need it

    2. somnamna2516 on

      Cue a load of miserable nimbys with full on compoface in the local press: ‘saffron Walden residents against the mines’

    3. grapplinggigahertz on

      Never going to happen.

      When you have to spend almost £300 million pounds just on the planning application for a road before you even put a spade in the ground, then the UK is utterly fucked when it comes to any sort of construction project – [https://news.sky.com/story/thames-tunnel-project-delayed-after-planning-it-cost-more-than-worlds-longest-road-tunnel-13230526](https://news.sky.com/story/thames-tunnel-project-delayed-after-planning-it-cost-more-than-worlds-longest-road-tunnel-13230526)

    4. No chance, I work in the supply chain for mines and the UK is an absolute nightmare for starting projects. In my experience, the ESG requirements make them unviable.

      When I found out Woodsmith was using a tunnel to transport ore 30miles to the coast, I was absolutely amazed. Everywhere else they’d just have used trains or a pipeline.

      Also, the impression of modern mining is completely outdated in the UK. The reality is one of highly paid jobs with very little footprint, especially if they’re underground.

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