„Just the way he is“: Das denken einige Amerikaner in Kanada über Trumps neue Drohungen



    1. adamandsteveandeve on

      Frankly, this whole incident has just surfaced a toxic strain of anti-Americanism that has ran through Canadian society for a very long time.

      There are plenty of Canadians who blame Americans for every one of Canada’s ills — viewing them as little more than sources of political and social contagion. Emissaries bearing gifts of illegal guns, corrupted politics, ineffective healthcare, and whatever else Canadians don’t like.

      If Americans truly knew how Canadians felt about them, they’d probably be much more amenable to what Trump is saying.

    2. Nomiknowsme on

      Trump is like that kid on the playground who constantly bragged and tried to one up everyone else, when you give that kid power over you and take what they say seriously you’ve already fallen for their trap.

      The best way to deal with people like that is to mostly ignore them and be somewhat condescending, not by taking what they say super seriously and pissing your pants in autistic rage.

      It’s such a waste of time and energy to actually worry about a known blowhard blowing hot air

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