Laut Polizei haben Süchtige in der Stadt Schwierigkeiten, an Drogen zu kommen

    Von Anony_mouse202


    1. How long before we get a compoface of an addict unable to buy drugs? But also good job by the police now we just need help getting them off the addiction.

    2. Thandoscovia on

      Damn, you really feel for them and the criminals from whom they buy. Life’s tough out there

    3. well thats kind of the entire point of the initiative to reduce crime?

    4. No_Aesthetic on

      Big W for the war on drugs, which the drugs are usually winning.

    5. Another economy getting trashed by this government smh, where is the union of criminals to stand up for these gangs getting put out of business by the state

    6. ElliottFlynn on

      Other more ruthless gangs will move in, it’s a temporary pause in supply

      IMO all that’s happened is you now have a group of desperate addicts who will commit more and more serious crimes to secure the smaller supply of drugs

      Drug policy in the UK is joke

    7. cornedbeef101 on

      >Project Renew has been running in the western half of the centre of Rhyl, Denbighshire, since April, and North Wales Police said crime was down 14%

      The town is Rhyl, for anyone else wondering.

    8. Yakitori_Grandslam on

      Cost of livin’ crisis guv. Drugs bank coming to a high street near you.

    9. JadedInternet8942 on

      With the all county lines stuff going on is this not just advertising to gangs… “There’s a gap in the market here if you want to come fill it”

    10. 0ttoChriek on

      I think addicts are generally pretty creative when it comes to getting a high. If they can’t get their usual drug, they’ll try to find an alternative.

      See the oxy > heroin > fentanyl progression in the US.

    11. DiligentCockroach700 on

      But isn’t that a good thing? Surely the whole purpose of making drugs illegal is to cut off the supply.

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