[OC] UPDATE: Je weiter von Russland entfernt, desto weniger interessiert es Sie: NATO-Verteidigungsausgaben im Vergleich zur Entfernung von der russischen Grenze

Von einmaulwurf


  1. einmaulwurf on

    This is an update to my earlier [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1hz7qva/oc_the_further_from_russia_the_less_you_care/).

    Inspired by [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1hyuhaw/the_association_between_defence_spending_and/) post in r/europe I created by own version with updated values from 2024 and the shortest distance from border-to-border. This time with actual 2024 values, including exclaves like Kaliningrad and including only NATO countries (with the US and Canada).

    Values on defence spending are from a [NATO Press Release](https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/2024/6/pdf/240617-def-exp-2024-en.pdf) (values as of June 2024) and the geospatial data from Eurostat. All analysis and plotting is done in R using the tidyverse packages, namely dplyr and ggplot2.

    [Here’s](https://pastebin.com/ZfBpMk0M) the raw data.

    The R2 is about 0.4 for the 2024 spending but basically 0 for the spending increase.

  2. Quirky_Cod2518 on

    Huh? Why is the USA like 20km from the Russia border in this?

  3. Eliminate the outliers who border Russia directly and the correlation is *much* weaker.

    Your defence spending is unrelated to your distance from the Russian border unless you’re on it.

  4. I feel like Greece is high because of Turkey, not Russia. but why is Turkey not on the list? probably Russia’s only ally in NATO

  5. marioquartz on

    Portugal is spending more than Spain? What? Yes, Its percentage… but that dont sound right.

  6. Quirky_Cod2518 on

    This chart filters out dozens of countries bordering Russia in Asia. There is no logic to the sample set. It’s simply curated to make a line

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