Konservativer Führer behauptet, dass möglicherweise Nicht-Staatsbürger gewählt haben, räumt aber ein, dass es keine stichhaltigen Beweise gibt



  1. Fun-Persimmon1207 on

    Accuses fraud, yet he admits he has no proof. Let’s keep American style politics out of Canada. By far, the majority of voter fraud convictions in the US were GOP supporters. If he has proof, then by all means, hand the evidence over to the police for prosecution.

  2. SirPoopaLotTheThird on

    Trump doesn’t have to physically invade Canada. He already did.

  3. Canadian_mk11 on

    Hitchens’s Razor – what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

  4. twenty_9_sure_thing on

    Oh ok so evidence. Boy crying wolf. Doing it the next 10 times and suddenly we have a 6th jan situation here.

  5. nolooneygoons on

    Isn’t it hilarious that there were only irregularities in the riding that gave the NDP a majority and the riding they won by the lowest amount of votes and their were 45 instances of irregularities or non citizens voting and they occurred specifically in this riding

  6. wickedweather on

    So let me get this straight. If the conservatives won, then all is fine. Since the conservatives lost, it’s because of the immigrants. That makes sense.

  7. Previous_Scene5117 on

    that’s so bs that I have already wasted time commenting on that 😆
    You would have to magically get on voters register…

  8. Feather_Sigil on

    Don’t worry, Mr. Rustad, all those BIPOC voters are eligible. You can sleep easy at night knowing Canada isn’t only for white people.

  9. WatchPointGamma on

    Why is this being presented as some gotcha?

    He’s making an allegation, the nature of allegations is that they’re unproven and *don’t* have evidence. That’s the point of investigations and the discovery process. If you’re not allowed to make allegations without hard evidence, then every civil court case ever needs to be overturned – the allegation comes first, the evidence comes during discovery.

    If Rustad were running around saying he had *proof* of election fraud like a certain ex-NYC mayor, then that would be a different story. So long as he’s talking about *allegations* and providing what evidence they have to investigatory bodies, this is a non-story.

    Elections should be beyond reproach. That means where credible allegations of irregularities exist, they should be investigated. Rustad has small, specific claims of irregularities that can be checked somewhat easily. Election integrity is not a partisan issue. If everyone is so convinced Rustad is full of shit and there’s no funny business, what do you have to lose by investigating? You stand to *gain* proof that it’s nonsense.

  10. Conservatives don’t need “evidence”. They shoot from the hip and bullseye every time.

  11. Specific_Hat3341 on

    Without *hard* evidence, or just without evidence? What would the soft evidence be?

  12. Ok_Frosting4780 on

    Right now the rules require that voters must prove their identity (either through some identification documents or through being vouched for by another with valid ID). Elections BC then cross-checks the IDs to ensure that only eligible people voted (and no one voted more than once). People who violate the rules can be subject to fines/prison time.

    As stated in the article, only 2 instances of improper voting occurred in the 2020 election. So it would seem like the penalties are sufficient to prevent people from breaking the rules.

    Looks like John Rustad and the BC Conservatives want to make it harder to vote by restricting the ways people can vote and reducing the number of documents using which people can identify themselves, possibly preventing thousands of eligible voters from casting their ballots, in order to prevent a couple invalid votes from being cast. It that worth it?

  13. Beastender_Tartine on

    I think it’s true, and all of those people voted for conservatives. Every single one. Of course, I don’t have any evidence of this, but apparently, evidence isn’t needed to lob baseless accusations, so here we are.

  14. They saw how well this worked down South so they’re taking it for a spin.

  15. Hamasanabi69 on

    This is 95% of conservative claims. Pure BS as they know the majority of their base will eat it up. Stand for nothing, lie about everything.

  16. HoboVonRobotron on

    I heard lots of conservatives voted 5 times, can’t prove it, but since we’re just saying whatever shit we want I figured I’d add in.

  17. With how good things have been in BC under the BC NDP, I’ll never understand how the vote was so close. I’m normally a swing voter, though I lean NDP out here. And while the BC Liberals were complete dogshit in the later part of their run, they weren’t always that far off from being an acceptable choice when eventually the BC NDP will shit the bed (I hope to be proven wrong, but no party remains good forever). But the BCCP feel like they’re on the same level as the PPC in how nuts they are.

    If they become the de facto right wing party in BC, I really hope they ease up on the far right shit and drop all this Trump style stuff, because I would like the ability to hold my “preferred party” as it were, to account and be okay voting for the BCCP if I had to. As it stands now, the BCNDP can become total shitbags, but all I can think is, “what can I do? The BCCP is worse, guess I’ll just have to keep voting orange.”

  18. comboratus on

    I believe that he is a citizen of Mars!
    Though I haven’t got a shred of evidence of it.

  19. InternationalFig400 on

    Another Trump wannabe: “stolen election”, but NO PROOF…….

  20. Death_to_juice on

    We know for a fact that Liberals just allowed non citizens to sign up to vote for their leadership without proof of residence

  21. BarnabusSheeps on

    A conspiracy theorist loses an election and blames it on *checks notes* … a conspiracy.

    Why am I not surprised?

  22. FannishNan on

    Hey that dude owes me 10k. I mean, I have no hard evidence but for sure.

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