200.000 Arbeitsplätze an der Wall Street könnten durch künstliche Intelligenz gestrichen werden



  1. From the article

    >It looks like no industry is immune from artificial intelligence, with the financial services sector facing disruption as AI technologies threaten to displace a considerable share of its workforce.

    >Major Wall Street banks are expected to slash up to [200,000 jobs](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-01-09/wall-street-expected-to-shed-200-000-jobs-as-ai-erodes-roles) over the next three to five years due to AI adoption, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. This significant reduction in workforce is primarily attributed to AI’s ability to perform tasks traditionally carried out by human workers more efficiently and accurately.

  2. Does your job involve doing office-type-stuff? Were you able to work from home? Good news, your job is under threat from AI.

    Am not dropping the reference to working from home in there to criticise working from home, it’s just that it represents a good indicator of how important the person’s physical presence is. And the physical presence is the only thing the AI can’t do.

    If a job doesn’t need a meat-based employee on the premises, it’s in play to be replaced by AI.

  3. FreedomToRevolt on

    Can’t wait till AI takes the jobs of CEO’s. Till then I won’t be happy about it.

  4. thekickisgood on

    Noice. Can’t wait for an AI broker to mess up a decimal or timezone and initiate a trade losing customers millions and the brokerage shrugging it off in court!

  5. Dominoscraft on

    It started with the less skilled jobs several years ago, self service checkouts in supermarkets, Mc Donald’s, car insurance apps that let you change/ renew and adjust policies, along with robots/ ai at warehouses picking orders.

    Now it’s going after semi skilled jobs

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