Ich-Aufnahmen eines ukrainischen Soldaten im Feuergefecht mit dem 40-mm-Granatwerfer GL-06.

    Von Physical-Cut-2334


    1. Cool footage, thought that was an israeli tavor for a second, haven’t seen Ukrainian Malyuks in a hot minute so it’s rather refreshing to see one in action.

    2. thats a fort-600 not GL-06.

      I own a GL-06 40 and while similar (fort-600 being modeled after the GL06), there’s a few small differences. The pistol grip shape, step down barrel size at muzzle, and stock attachment hump being the key differences visually.

    3. TigersStripe on

      Could have used a revolver grenade launcher in this scenario I guess

    4. SneezinPanda27 on

      How is he aiming that thing so fast? He barely lifts the barrel before firing. Talk about experience with a weapons system.

    5. This has to be training, right? Looks like they’re parked in the middle of a field

    6. ExtensionStar480 on

      Looks ineffecient. Would rather have a semi auto grenade sprayer.

    7. can someone explain what the benefit of using a humvee is instead of a stryker or Bradley?

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