Äußerungen von Präsident Higgins zur Nato werden vom ehemaligen estnischen Präsidenten kritisiert


Von Shitehawk_down


  1. gunnerfitzy on

    The former President is not wrong.

    It’s easy to adopt an idealistic outlook when Ireland is the nicely tucked away between the US and UK/continental Europe.

  2. ConstantlyWonderin on

    Higgins is probably a tankie, tankies need to abandon their awful beliefs, buy a calenender and accept that the cold war is over now and that NATO and the world back then is different to now.

    Of course this could all change again when trump comes into power.

  3. Loud-Process7413 on

    Higgins. The ever lasting two term goblin has long lost any credibility.

    Tucked up nicely in the park for nigh on 15 fucking years.

    Oh, how dare these countries preempt a threat from Vlad the Mad.

  4. Soft-Affect-8327 on

    To be fair, I get that Micheal D’s running out of places to make that kind of statement but Young Scientists ain’t it.

    Is he right? That it’s appalling that there’s calls to up NATO spending on defence? Yeah, but it’s more galling that they feel they need to instead of living in a world where you can point at things going right and calling the extra waste. They don’t have that luxury.

  5. “It is important that we respond to … rhetoric that calls for war as a state of mind, including the recent appalling comments from Nato calling for ever more armaments spending to be achieved,” Mr Higgins said.

    shills would have you believe this is somehow wrong, a bad thing, or that he’s not got the privilege to say it.

  6. drumnadrough on

    Obviously this is something he should have kept to himself. Out of touch with reality, and of no concern to a non nato member.

  7. JjigaeBudae on

    This is one of the very few occasions I disagree with our president.

  8. International_Grape7 on

    Nato is a tool of American imperialism. Europe needs to defend itself.

  9. Cathal1954 on

    I admire President Higgins and would generally find myself on the same side of the political divide as him. But on this he is wrong, and the ex-president of Estonia is right. We have never taken self- defence seriously and have tried our best to do it on the cheap. But we’re now in a situation analogous to 1938, and while neutrality was justifiable back then, we are now in an organisation which is under threat (EU) and which we have an equal responsibility to defend.

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