Der Blick auf Wowtschansk im Winter. Die 18.000-Einwohner-Stadt ist inzwischen komplett zerstört

Von ChocoBrumik


  1. bihtydolisu on

    I think this is where the webcam was that I kept watching for when the invasion had begun. 😧

  2. Honest question, why is it so difficult to kick the orcs out of Vovchansk? There’s no building left to hide in.

  3. ChungsGhost on

    Behold the Russians’ “civilization”.

    When I see this, I keep thinking of the Harvesters from the Independence Day movies.

    Not even Western neocolonials of the 19th century were so single-minded in annihilating “lesser” people in need of “civilization” as the Russians have proven to be time and time again.

    The Russians are living up to the full what their illustrious compatriot, Sergey ~~Lavrov~~ Laughoff unironically [said publicly almost 3 years ago](

    >***”Russia is not squeaky clean. Russia is what it is. And we are not ashamed of showing who we are.”***

  4. Hot-Use7398 on

    Welcome to russian world!
    Idk why anyone ever thought they are anything but criminals, murderers and thieves (looking at you Deutschland).

  5. We need to stand up to atrocities all around the world. If we don’t, who will?

  6. Unfair-Way-7555 on

    It was a hometown of a famous Soviet era cartoon director, Alexandra Snezhko-Blotskaya.

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