Die USA kündigen eine Belohnung von 25 Millionen US-Dollar für die Festnahme des venezolanischen Präsidenten Maduro an



  1. Remote-Letterhead844 on

    LFG! U-S-A! U-S-A!

    Too bad we are about to install a dictator on day 1….

  2. elsujdelab on

    This happens 24 hours after the us congress attacks the ICC for the other to detain Netanyahu. No doubt justice is not blind.

  3. fromouterspace1 on

    Didn’t work out well for the last guy we had a 25m reward for

  4. samjohnson2222 on

    He’s in disguise look for an orange faced old lady hiding in plain sight. 😁

  5. Aromatic-Deer3886 on

    He’s in the Miraflores Palace in Caracas Venezuela.

    So where do I go and collect my reward?

  6. >The US has announced an increased $25m (£20.4m) reward for information leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on the day he was sworn in for a third six-year term in office.

    I have solid information on his location. How can I get the reward?

  7. *Purple hum, assorted cards*

    *Razor lights you’ll bring*

    *And all to prove you’re on the move*

    *And vanishing*

    (*Maduro, I need you so*)

  8. NoBSforGma on

    I guess this is one step above just having the CIA kill him.

    I’m curious as to just what “information” the US expects to get and exactly who will arrest him. Is this an attempt to get the Honduran military to arrest him? Or something else?

  9. Lmao with the incoming administration im gonna have to ask for that money upfront

  10. 0xF00DBABE on

    More South American regime change sponsored by the folks who brought you Pinochet.

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