[OC] In der Zeit des Spendens sind Unternehmen nicht besonders wohltätig

Von DataPulseResearch

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  1. DataPulseResearch on

    **Article:** [**https://www.datapulse.de/en/study-corporate-giving/**](https://www.datapulse.de/en/study-corporate-giving/

    **Main data source:** [**https://www.buchhaltungsbutler.de/study-corporate-giving/**](https://www.buchhaltungsbutler.de/study-corporate-giving/

    **Data:** [Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uIW7cGym2g5qTm3mfd-3mdPNg3AatZpWF-BIySfjKY8/edit?usp=sharing)

    **Tool:** Adobe Illustrator

    Despite U.S. corporate profits soaring nearly 400% over the past four decades, their charitable giving tells a different story. In 2023, corporate donations amounted to just 1.03% of pre-tax profits, hovering just above the standard 1% benchmark for philanthropy. 

    Historically, companies donated between 1% and 2% consistently, but that trend has nosedived since the early 2000s. As December—a peak season for donations—closes, the data underscores a growing gap between profits and public giving.

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