Die Fütterung Ihrer guten Darmbakterien über Ballaststoffe in der Nahrung kann den Körper vor Infektionen schützen | Eine Studie hat ergeben, dass die Zusammensetzung Ihres Darmmikrobioms dabei hilft, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an potenziell lebensbedrohlichen Infektionen zu erkranken, vorherzusagen – und diese Zusammensetzung kann durch eine Änderung Ihrer Ernährung verändert werden.
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From the article: The group of bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, E.coli and others, is present at low levels as part of a healthy human gut microbiome. But at high levels – caused for example by increased inflammation in the body, or by eating contaminated food – these bugs can cause illness and disease. In extreme cases, too much Enterobacteriaceae in the gut can be life-threatening.
Researchers have used computational approaches including AI to analyse the gut microbiome composition of over 12,000 people across 45 countries from their stool samples. They found that a person’s microbiome ‘signature’ can predict whether a person’s gut is likely to be colonised by Enterobacteriaceae. The results are consistent across different states of health and geographic locations.
The researchers identified 135 gut microbe species that are commonly found in the absence of Enterobacteriaceae, likely protecting against infection.
Notable amongst the protective gut species are a group of bacteria called Faecalibacterium, which produce beneficial compounds called short-chain fatty acids by breaking down fibre in the foods we eat. This seems to protect against infection by a range of disease-causing Enterobacteriaceae bugs.
The researchers suggest that eating more fibre in our diet will support the growth of good bacteria – and crowd out the bad ones to significantly reduce the risk of illness.
In contrast, taking probiotics – which don’t directly change the environment in the gut – is less likely to affect the likelihood of Enterobacteriaceae infection.
The results are [published](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-55800-y) today in the journal Nature Microbiology.