Love it. Give the sami there shit back though as a trade we give you northern netherlands 🇳🇱
cuckjockey on
I don’t know… I would let Iceland run the show this time.
bohemianthunder on
Salmar Union 🇳🇴 ®️
Northlumberman on
Been playing a lot of Europa Universalis lately?
sabelsvans on
Sadly, none of us are able to project power in Iceland or Greenland, and they don’t have military..
And it makes no sense that the smallest population and smallest military should lead.
daffoduck on
Unclear what the benefits are really…
Better to work together and learn from each other successes and failures (looking at Sweden).
Hambokuu on
Jeg synes altså vi skal have samerne og Estland med også
Initial-Warning-2564 on
Yes, but don’t put the Norwegians in charge. That doesn’t work, trust me
Sandarn on
No thanks.
That would probably land us in the EU because Norway’s population is lower.
If that happens the oil fund counter could slow down.
Unlikely-Enthusiasm2 on
Put Finland in charge
Zakath_ on
This may be posted as a joke, but I would honestly love to see some sort of Scandinavian or Nordic union as a Northern counter-point to the EU. The countries have pretty similar values, the economies aren’t that different and the price levels are way more similar than for example Germany and Portugal.
So yes, please give me a Kalmar union with a common market, common currency, shared economic policy and broad cooperation in foreign and defense matters. Norway is too small to stand on its own, but a united Nordics would be a credible polity.
FPS_Warex on
What about Greenland? Last I checked we had Greenland when we bent over for Denmark, and the island got under Danish rule ?
Lillemor_hei on
Jokes aside. The Nordic Model definitely challenges the trillionaires dominating US politics right now and other narcissistic populists. We’re soft targets to them.
LearningPodd on
Jag är för! Ni har Carlsen, SKAM och Knausgård, ni är uppenbart bäst 👍
Love it. Give the sami there shit back though as a trade we give you northern netherlands 🇳🇱
I don’t know… I would let Iceland run the show this time.
Salmar Union 🇳🇴 ®️
Been playing a lot of Europa Universalis lately?
Sadly, none of us are able to project power in Iceland or Greenland, and they don’t have military..
And it makes no sense that the smallest population and smallest military should lead.
Unclear what the benefits are really…
Better to work together and learn from each other successes and failures (looking at Sweden).
Jeg synes altså vi skal have samerne og Estland med også
Yes, but don’t put the Norwegians in charge. That doesn’t work, trust me
No thanks.
That would probably land us in the EU because Norway’s population is lower.
If that happens the oil fund counter could slow down.
Put Finland in charge
This may be posted as a joke, but I would honestly love to see some sort of Scandinavian or Nordic union as a Northern counter-point to the EU. The countries have pretty similar values, the economies aren’t that different and the price levels are way more similar than for example Germany and Portugal.
So yes, please give me a Kalmar union with a common market, common currency, shared economic policy and broad cooperation in foreign and defense matters. Norway is too small to stand on its own, but a united Nordics would be a credible polity.
What about Greenland? Last I checked we had Greenland when we bent over for Denmark, and the island got under Danish rule ?
Jokes aside. The Nordic Model definitely challenges the trillionaires dominating US politics right now and other narcissistic populists. We’re soft targets to them.
Jag är för! Ni har Carlsen, SKAM och Knausgård, ni är uppenbart bäst 👍