Die US-Regierung bezeichnet die Unruhen in Dublin als Terrorismus irischer weißer Rassisten


Von Wolfwalker71


  1. deleted_user478 on

    True but in the US they give them uniforms, badges and a gun.

  2. Terrible_Way1091 on

    Well yeah, groups running around the city looking for immigrants to kill is terrorism

  3. Dookwithanegg on

    I mean, they’re correct to call it that but I don’t understand why this is newsworthy.

  4. CarelessEquivalent3 on

    The US is funding a genocide in the middle east which is being recorded and broadcast across the entire world. They’re not the moral compass they think they are.

  5. TotalTeacup on

    I hope that means those glorious tiktok warriors won’t be allowed to Disneyland on their hollybobs

  6. ismaithliomsherlock on

    Genuine question, was there disinformation going around during the Dublin riots about the identity of the attacker? I only remember hearing it was someone who had been in Ireland for a while but originally claimed asylum here. From what I can remember that information came out fairly quickly after the incident?

  7. They are literally helping Gaza get leveled they can get fucked judging us on any moral grounds

  8. AnGallchobhair on

    I’ve been to Israel, very pale looking bunch who think they’re better than their differently melanined neighbours, who they kill in the tens of thousands. Seems more fitting to the US Dept of State criteria than dope fiend scumbags in Dublin

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