Eine Studie ergab, dass 28 % der von Windkraftanlagen in Frankreich getöteten Abendsegler Fernwanderer sind, hauptsächlich Weibchen aus Nordosteuropa. Da jedes Jahr etwa 140.000 Fledermäuse sterben, ist eine Eindämmung dringend erforderlich.



  1. 8livesdown on

    28% of how many bats?

    10 bats?

    10 billion bats?

    One would think a study concerning bats killed by wind turbines would actually say the number of bats billed by wind turbines.

  2. Is it correct to say these deaths amount to about 1% of the bat population in France, and that the bat population is stable?

  3. It was analysed that stable hydrogen isotopes in the fur keratin of 60 common noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) killed by wind turbines during summer migration in four regions of France to PREDICT geographic origin using models based on precipitation isoscapes. They first separated migratory from regional individuals based on fur isotope ratios of local bats. Across all regions, 71.7% of common noctules killed by turbines were of regional and 28.3% of distant origin, the latter being predominantly females from northeastern Europe

  4. Cyanopicacooki on

    Industrial processes can harm organims, that we know. How many more organisms would be harmed by not shifting to less polluting power generation would be a better analysis.

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