Der Abgeordnete Buddy Carter hat gerade einen Gesetzentwurf zur Abschaffung des IRS und der Bundeseinkommensteuer vorgelegt.

Von Orangutan


  1. 1913 was a big year in conspiracy circles. The Money Masters is a documentary that addresses these topics.

  2. 😂😂😂. Are there not fights he could be fighting that actually have a chance at a modicum of success? Nothing else at all? Because he’s wasting his time and the time of people who voted for him as well.

  3. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that when they don’t have any solid plan in place to replace whatever they “abolished”, nothing good comes from it. 

  4. i_love_weird_shit on

    So if we abolish the IRS and federal income tax how will the federal government be funded? Interstate highways don’t just appear out of nowhere, and national parks don’t maintain themselves.

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