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Can’t wait for this nonsense to be done. We have to go back to common sense.
Theres a lot of empathy for criminals, if only the homeless got a bit of that empathy, instead of us importing 4% population growth, extending amortizations, and buying 50% of mortgage bonds.
This judge could have made a perfect example out of this idiot and sent a strong message to our friends in the US that we will fix this terrible problem. Instead, more nonsense.
Drug distributors should remain mandated death penalty…no exceptions and timed within weeks….their acts destroy entire generations
If he was caught with 36 million dollars worth of drugs, I’m sure he had a spare million or two lying around to “induce compassion”.
What the hell has happened to our country? Do the crime do the time…
Why does CBC always show pity to non Canadian doing crimes in Canada?
More baby mamas, less jail time
Quite simply bullshit, this isn’t a simple drug conviction, this is a high level player in the illicit drug market.
I know its not in the criminal code, but this person should not be allowed to be in that child’s life at all.
Given compassion due to ‘exceptional circumstances’, I guess the thousands of lives ruined by all that meth he was bringing into Canada is not ‘exceptional’.
For the amount of oversight that Police have and how hard the public comes down on Police… the same needs to be done for Judge’s in Canada.
They’re operating at near immunity and putting the public at risk.
Sorry Marvin, but you forfeited the right to see your first-born when you decided to mastermind a $36M drug trafficking ring. What tf are we even doing anymore?
Our judicial system is full of smooth brains, especially the Judges.
Get caught with nearly 40 million dollars of drugs? “Please officer, I’m about to be a dad, could you just give me a citation.”
Can we please have an election already?
Why? He needs to be in jail. It’s his tough luck if he misses the birth of his child. How many users missed important dates because of his drugs?
There should be a bot that reminds people on every one of these posts that it’s the probability of getting caught not the length of the sentence that deters crime. So whether he gets sentenced this week or in July and what his sentence is aren’t that important if the primary concern is deterring othe people.
Also this guy is probably going to get 4 plus years in prison and he *plead guilty*. If he wanted to he could have set a week or two of trial dates (which would have been after July anyway) so giving the guy a little time to see the birth of his child doesn’t cost the justice system anything and might be the kind gesture that encourages him to do better when he gets out.
Perhaps he ratted and got himself a good deal…
Something tells me this guy won’t be much of a father.
Ok. So another Canadian loophole. Don’t commit a crime unless you have a pregnant girl as your “get out of jail card”
Now for the criminal’s defence lawyer to tell the judge how he’s a changed man, and is a man who is dedicated to his family. How he should get a reduced sentence because he is having a kid and don’t want to see the kid grow up without a parent.
Poor kid who has to be raised by criminal parents.
My crystal ball tells me this dude will not be a good fit to be a father. Do the kid a favour and put him behind bars…. Our criminal justice is a complete joke
Our lega system is such a joke
What about the thousand of lives they have destroyed? So many people never had the chance to celebrate their time due to their actions? What about their justice?
The system appears to treat actual criminals better than individuals who simply failed to stop before the Stop sign line.
Soros’ judges doing their work as intended 😉
Fuck our judicial system. Absolute clown show. We need to show more compassion for victims and less for offenders. They made their choice to break the law. Victims never got a choice.