Premierminister Trudeau sagt, er glaube, Trump nutze die Rede davon, Kanada zum 51. Staat zu machen, um von den Auswirkungen der Zölle abzulenken


  1. cheekymonkey_toronto on

    … OR maybe tRump is extracting revenge on Canada because of the look of love Melanie had for Trudeau during the last state dinner.

    Trudeau bruised tRumps manly ego.

  2. Humble-Grinder on

    >Trudeau stressed that Canadians “are incredibly proud of being Canadian. One of the ways we define ourselves most easily is, well, we’re not American.”

    Rare trudeau W

  3. tradingmuffins on

    I think we can agree that Trudeau has no idea wtf he is doing, let alone talk about.

  4. HansHortio on

    It is a distraction, yet everyone us eating it up. Don’t play into the hands of a man who uses insults as a negotiation tactic. Ignore it, and ignore any media blowing this up because it will get them revenue clicks. 

  5. AwwwNuggetz on

    It purely a distraction. Throw a bunch of crazy talk in the news, then dial it back after the goal is achieved.

    He wants a weak US dollar, and to end the war in Ukraine for his buddy Putin. There may be other economic reasons in the mix as well

  6. Suspicious_Honey9455 on

    Musk referring to Trudeau as “Girl”. Would love to see Trudeau in a ring with Musk!

  7. SO refreshing to see JT go into a IDGAF mode.. the stuff he said today was on point! “One of the ways we define ourselves most easily, is, well, we are not american.” – BOOM!~

  8. DragoonJumper on

    100% it is. No way they want that many more democrats in their country. Its still extremely unprofessional and insulting, and is burning their remaining good will up extremely quickly.

  9. GiveIceCream on

    JT is wrong. The old establishment has had it too good for too long and so now they believe their own fairytales

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