Russen rasen mit einem Geländefahrzeug über eine „Autobahn des Todes“ in der Nähe von Pokrowsk, jede Menge Wracks und Blutbad auf der Straße. Sie werden angeblich von einer Drohne verfolgt, gegen Ende landet eine Artilleriegranate in ihrer Nähe und der Fahrer sagt, er habe „300“ verwundet.

Von Smart-Bonus-6589


  1. RoadtoBankrupt on

    Makes me grateful for the serene paradise that I 80 is in comparison.

  2. SnortHotCheetos on

    Damn, had no idea that Highway 80 stretched all the way to Ukraine from Kuwait…

  3. guilhermefdias on

    Bunch of soldier walking around like zombies. Between a bunch of destruction vehicles. What a wasteland. Depressing.

  4. All of this is while they have at least 2:1/ 3:1 advantage in artillery shells fired with air support.

    Imagine them fighting a NATO war without air domination, that would be a slaughter.

  5. Dr_Satan_DScPhD on

    I counted at least 16 Corpses, and you see the carnage only intensifying as he progresses towards the front.

    But that artillery hit, he goes from loudmouth twat to wait, oh shit did I get hit, yeah I definitely got hit!

  6. ChipmunkCooties on

    Making my way down town driving fast face past and I’m MIA bound 🎵

  7. KnotSoSalty on

    Remember in 2022 the highways were crowded with burnt out Russian tanks. Now they’re driving scooters and ATVs.

  8. OverThaHills on

    Wonder what’s down that road that’s so important that an ATV has to rush down that road?

    Also, more mines: anti personnel mines and butterfly mines should deal with anything to light to trigger an anti tank mine

  9. name__redacted on

    What blows me away (no pun intended) is this video is filled with random russians, one here, one there, two here, three there, some walking, some crouching, some going one way, some going the other way, some with full uniforms on, some looking like lost civilians, some on motorcycles, seemingly no plan or direction… everybody kind of just doing their own thing.

  10. It’s been 3 years and still don’t understand how this war works, it looks such a clusterfuck and mess. What are all these random soldiers doing? A bunch of walking dead, waiting to be domed by a drone.

    How do armies fight 2 years over the same few hundred meters of farm field with massive artillery, drones, millions of soliders on the front lines. I have seen too many WW2 movies to understand how combat and gaining/losing territory works in this war.

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