Weltweit erster Bluttest auf Endometriose rückt nach Erfolg der Studie näher



  1. KuriousKhemicals on

    It’s great that this is getting closer to an applicable test, but the number “99.7% accurate at distinguishing” is not very meaningful without understanding the relative base populations. If it’s 50/50 whether a person with symptoms has endo or not, then this is very good performance. If 99.7% of people with symptoms have it, you can get this level of accuracy with a rigged slot machine.

  2. MarshyHope on

    That’s fantastic. After a few years of IVF, my wife found out she had endometriosis which is why she couldn’t get pregnant. Would have saved us a lot of time and money had we known that in the beginning.

  3. AmorFatiBarbie on

    Knew it was an aus company doing it. Shout out also to nsw first specific endo clinics and uni of WA for the amazing research.

    Stage 4 endo here.

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