KINSELLA: Wenn Sie Trump gegenüber Kanada unterstützen, verschwinden Sie sofort


  1. SnooPickles6282 on

    A true sign that we’ve reached the end times: I’m 100% in agreement with an article in the Toronto Sun.

  2. it’s scary how many canadians support Trump.. social media is insane.. X, Facebook.. all over.. Canadians pretty much want what trump’s sellin.. there has never been a worse time for canada to be honest specially with a destabilized government and i hate to say it but trump has played a big role in this.. foreign interference if i was being brutally..

  3. USSMarauder on

    Kinsella compared Trump to Hamas

    That wasn’t on my 2025 bingo card

  4. meememan28 on


    Any Canadian defending this bullshit is a traitor.

    Swallow your pride like you swallow your dignity pandering to this loser , but do it for your country FFS.

    Canadian conservatives are not MAGA , nor should they even be close.

    We are above this and need to be united. Delete your Twitter , unsubscribe to Fox news and stop bending over for these goons who care nothing about your well being.

  5. ItsAProdigalReturn on

    Have the Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup? Did Canadian winters finally freeze hell over? Am I agreeing with the Sun?

    If cons, libs and centrist are uniting in a common-wave of Anti-Americanism, I’m frankly all for it. Let’s nationalise our oil, water and lumber and out of the hands of American conglomerates while we’re at it.

  6. iammixedrace on

    Remember when a huge amount of people protested with upsidedown Canadian flags and Trump flags…

  7. Themeloncalling on

    The house on the street flying the Trump flag has seen a lot of burning bags of shit on the porch this week.

  8. followtherockstar on

    If you are okay with this kind of rhetoric you are a traitor to this country. Leave.

  9. DigitalSupremacy on

    The first thing Kinsella has said in the past 7 years I agree with.

  10. Neat_Imagination2503 on

    This is how you know how fucked things have become. I agree with an article in the sun 😂

  11. inlandviews on

    A rare moment when I read a Sun article and agree. If you want to join the USA, it’s easy. Just drive South. You won’t be missed.

  12. Worldly-Astronaut724 on

    Unironic question: Wouldn’t they be trying?
    Like, I’m in a field myself where I would make a third of the money if I stayed in Canada. It’s a lot harder to just “get the hell out” than people think.
    Simply moving 200 km away, I’d make three times the money I make now, and in a good, stable currency.
    I obviously think the idea of Canada joining the US absolutely ludicrous, but isn’t this a bit easier said than done?
    just “get out!” as though that isn’t really really tough?

  13. Smokinlizardbreath on

    Dear Kinsella, tell that to Smith from AB who is STILL going to the inauguration, her dumb ass mla’s who are going to Texas to learn about “border security “, and the rest of the UCP idiots going to the US Prayer breakfast. Traitors the lot of them.

  14. WastedHourz on

    I agree. Real Canadians stand proud. The rest of you can fly south!

  15. Garbimba13 on

    All magas are traitors and deserve to be treated as enemies of our country. Good thing most of them are cowards, so hopefully the good guys down south don’t let this crap escalate.

  16. Big_Custardman on

    Lets turn the Discussion on getting control on our current harmful immigration policies

  17. athabascadepends on

    Amen. Perfect article. I don’t care where it comes from, which paper or what side of the political spectrum. This needs to be our rallying cry as Canadians

  18. if we are americans who support canada over trump, can we get the hell in?

  19. 13% of Canadians (i.e. 5.33 million people) want Canada to become the 51st state. Let that sink in.

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