Ein deutscher Soldat in Verzweiflung während der Schlacht von Kursk, Juli 1943. Er ruht einen Moment lang auf einem zerschmetterten 150-mm-Artilleriegeschütz.

Von Wendy-Vonpapen


  1. Sinphony_of_the_nite on

    I’d say. That soldier’s body probably blown all to hell right off camera.

  2. I think I remember reading that he was a POW at the time of the photo.

  3. Alternative_Dot_1026 on

    That’s his dead buddy beside him, and the Battle of Kursk was essentially one of the largest single battles mankind has ever seen. Definitely the largest tank battle.

    Amusingly, or not, when you now Google “Battle of Kursk” it does come up with both “Battle of Kursk 1943”, and “Battle of Kursk 2024”

  4. Ok_Brain3728 on

    This is a still from a film the Russians made. He was taken prisoner. I hope he survived captivity.

  5. NoApartheidOnMars on

    Defeated and dead nazis. That’s my kind of WWII pictures.

  6. Braincake87 on

    I once saw a diorama that someone made of this photo on a scale modeling fair. It is a very heartbreaking photo and the diorama was even more because it was very well made and painted.

  7. floating-carrot on

    I wish there was a way to break through the emotional filter that time , distance and a lens create. Although we can empathise and imagine we can never truly understand the zeitgeist displayed here. I suppose in this instance we can be thankful for that

  8. nard-kicker on

    And history repeats itself, now with destroyed German leopard 2 tanks.

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