Ich war also auf meiner YouTube-Startseite und habe dieses Popup gesehen. Es ist nicht nur absolut verrückt, dass YouTube dies erlaubt hat. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht sehen, stellen Sie sich einfach gesponserte Inhalte mit dem Titel „How Straight Are You?“ vor. Jaaa, das würde innerhalb von Minuten wegen Hassrede oder so etwas geahndet werden.
Zweitens, warum wird mir das überhaupt empfohlen, lol? Ich schaue mir nur Finanz- und Reisevideos an, also kann ich die Zielgruppe auf keinen Fall erreichen, lol.
Ich habe auf den Link geklickt, um zu sehen, wohin er Sie führt, und war ehrlich gesagt von der Zielseite überwältigt. Es ist verrückt, wie Unternehmen hypersexuelle Inhalte an Kinder weitergeben können, und solange im Hintergrund eine Pride-Flagge zu sehen ist, ist alles in Ordnung.
Ich verstehe nicht, warum Schwulsein oder Transsexualität zu diesem Status einer einfachen/vollständigen Persönlichkeit geworden ist. Dies ist die einzige relationale/sexuelle Sache, mit der sich Unternehmen frei beschäftigen.
Denken Sie einfach darüber nach. Sie kümmern sich nicht darum, dass du heterosexuell bist, sie kümmern sich nicht um interrassische Beziehungen, sie kümmern sich nicht um Altersunterschiede, sie kümmern sich nicht um Perversitäten, sie kümmern sich nur darum, dass du schwul oder transsexuell bist.
Ich war versucht, an dem Quiz teilzunehmen, um herauszufinden, wie schwul ich bin, aber das möchte ich nicht auf meinem Computer haben. Für alle, die mutig genug sind: Die Website heißt Buzztests.com.
Ich bin bereit zu wetten, dass sie sehr räuberische Fragen stellen, also weit gefasste Fragen mit mehrdeutigen Antworten, die auf unterschiedliche Weise interpretiert werden können.
Zum Beispiel: „Sind Sie ein Mann, der gerne leuchtende Farben trägt?“ Wenn Sie mit „Ja“ antworten, könnten Sie schwul sein!
Ehrlich gesagt ist es so ekelhaft und verstörend, dass sie sexuelle Inhalte an Kinder weitergeben und sie als coole Freunde wie „alberne Bands“ ausgeben (wer erinnert sich daran?).
„Hey Kind, hast du jemals versucht, einen Schwanz zu lutschen? Es macht wirklich Spaß, dass du es versuchst, und jeder, der dich beurteilt, ist wahrscheinlich unsicher in Bezug auf seine eigene Sexualität“ (wie ich das sehe).
Und bevor irgendjemand sauer auf mich wird, verstehen Sie bitte, dass ich dagegen bin, Kindern sexuelle Inhalte aufzudrängen. Kinder haben nichts damit zu tun, zu erfahren, wie der Schwanz eines Kerls in den Hintern eines anderen Kerls eindringt, oder wie der Schwanz eines Kerls in die Vagina einer Frau eindringt, oder wie ein Mädchen seine Vagina an der Vagina einer anderen Frau reibt. Lass Kinder Kinder sein, heilige Scheiße!
Von ghjkklkkkkkkkk
Already getting downvoted by offended people. It’s ironic, I’m sure these same people would be LIVID if Christianity or heterosexual relations were pushed on their kids.
Why are elitists so adamant about pushing LGBTQ+ material onto our kids?
Hmmmm. Maybe… just maybe… they realize if they can get children to convert, and get them on hormones, they have life long customers? No that can’t be it
Sounds like the algorithm because stuff like that sure doesn’t pop up on my Youtube….
Other than killing people with vaccines, one great way to reduce the population is to make them stop having kids. It’s really that simple.
I’ve never seen someone struggle so hard with a closet door.
This don’t appear on mine …
Blame the Jooos
The lefts biggest tool is weaponizing empathy. It’s not some huge conspiracy theory. After BLM started to die down they needed a new marginalized group to exploit.
What was your score?
I hear you; it has been getting more extreme. Hopefully there will be a change coming, we need to get back to fundamental basics instead of all this stuff being pushed to the mainstream.
Are you a kid? Because this was on your algorithms, why do you connect it to kids?
If you are not a kid then why do you talk about pushing agendas on kids?
Weird that you think the sexualisation of kids is a gay thing – don’t feel like I really need to point it out, but yes, straight sex has been used to sell things for decades…. I’ll let you think about the role of beauty pageants and OnlyFans by yourself
Identity politics isn’t limited to gay or trans people – I regularly see guys that build their entire character based on a car or a movie character – I am going to assume you spoke too soon, because it would be insane to claim that “Buy this or nobody will shag you” hasn’t been a driving force in advertising for longer than any of us have been alive
>Like “are you a man who likes wearing bright colors?” If you answer yes you might be gay!
You know these are either written by people for fun, they don’t mean any more than what Disney Princess are you – or they’re written by advertisers to collect information without having to handle the data appropriately. Frankly that looks like a website for delivering malware to people – but you know there’s plenty of scams on youtube (Everything from pension scams, real estate, get rich quick schemes or full on crime – they don’t give a shit about what they advertise) – I feel like the problem is generally advertising rather than gay advertising. You’re literally ignoring 2 straight “Is your crush good for you” quizzes to make your argument
>“Hey kid have you ever tried sucking dick? It’s really fun you should try it, and anyone who judges you is probably insecure about their own sexuality” (how I see it).
Yeah, that’s on you.
Sexualisation of children is a massive issue, but if you’re going to pretend it’s a gay issue, then you’re not being very honest with yourself – I look at the statistics and the church seems to be a far bigger danger to our children than gay folks.
why has hetero been the mainstream take for thousand of years with no pushback is the real question you should ask
This feels like bait, but, eh, let’s do it.
– After over a decade of using youtube, I’ve never had this pop up.
– Why aren’t you using an adblocker? This is my biggest question.
– Ads usually target specific people through their google searches and whatever their phone’s microphone picks up throughout the day
– It’s hard to understand a community you are not part of. It’s natural, it’s human, but you can at least try to do a tiny bit of researach. These people were literally considered to be CRAZY for centuries. Now, they have the chance to put it out in the world, share it with anybody. They fought not only for this, but to be respected and acknowledged.
– Corporations will take anything they can get. If putting “personality tests” online gives them traction, they will continue to do so.
– Parents should be responsible for what their kids consume online. Unsupervised internet access can be a lot of trouble.
– Good parents would also be able to explain in a simple and “clean” way these concepts to their child, unless they’re more ignorant than their own children.
I’m so happy we’re over with the US elections SPAM, but pleaaaaase post something interesting, you’re just upset with the ads not lining up with your “values”.
Only if you are in an echo chamber. Many people in the LGBTQ community have been talking about how gross pink washing in marketing if for over a decade now. Sounds to me like you just don’t consume much outside of the narrow liberal/conservative narratives from the corporate media.
But also writing a whole essay for a video you didn’t even apparently bother to watch is wild. Can’t believe people are still this triggered by the existence of non-straight people.
Firstly you’re getting these suggestions because you search up gay stuff. Maybe it’s articles about how much you hate gay people. Or maybe its gay porn that you secretly love.
You don’t even need to search the stuff up. I spoke about cookware once and then had cookware suggestions on my random instagram and facebook ads for a week.
Anyway the funniest thing is that all the pro-trans people and anti-trans people have the same mindset. ‘Don’t wear pink’ ‘My 5 year old loves pink so he’s actually a girl.’ If people didn’t make such a big deal about random irrelevant shit like what hobbies children enjoy, or XYZ is for boys/girls then this trans stuff would’ve never have been a thing.
The fuck do you mean “no pushback”? Throwing tantrums about trans people was the incoming presidents #1 issue this last election
Isn’t it funny how the most personal aspect of someone’s life is touted in a plane, unobstructed veiw and spewed at the most vocal volumes as a self-righteous battle of dominant recognition in society, as if a labor was completed by Hercules himself?
The pride in complete bastardization of society reinforced with a victory of zero significance. An unspoken social medal is awarded by themselves, to themselves, as they congratulate the image seen in the mirror.
No one cared before. No one cares now. The attempt to convince and control is extremely easy because society has nothing to work towards together. The separate group of separate minds and lumped together and controlled continuously as do the banks provide guidance for water.
It less about civil rights and MORE about fashion … having said what any adult wants to do is not my business.
Uh oh, OP forgot to use incognito mode.
Nothing a corp does is for anything other than profit.
This is and has always been the way.
A few trillion reasons right here…
OP is complaining the algorithm knows their viewing habits.
Because the world is run by satanic elites
What a strange question? Why aren’t you asking this?
Aren’t you gay yet?
Lol Get Well Soon 🎈🎈🎈
Oh, wait? Now we want censorship?
No pushback? Are you crazy? This is like literally the main identity politics argument(s) that keep the working class divided.
Why does FB now show me ads for prostitution?
Lots of questions. But it’s all about income…and attention.
There is pushback. Bud Light, the biggest example. Disney and Target have also had pushback and have pulled back some. The thing is, you have to recognize the market. Bud Light’s market wasn’t LGBTQ friendly, so push back worked. There are some markets that skew LGBTQ friendly which is younger demographics and the terminally online where their will be less pushback and advertisers will tell you to fuck off, because they can. Ad agencies and corporations are chasing dollars and they always want the younger market first. Younger market means more socially progressive, most of the time. That’s just the way it is and always has been.
I’m gay and that stuff doesn’t pop up on my computer. OP maybe you should take the quiz since you’ve been googling it so much
Those “how gay are you” tests have been around as long as the Internet has. Only difference is people are aiming for high scores in recent years.
I don’t think the algorithms on YouTube , Facebook, etc work as I constantly get recommended pages for things in Australia, leftist progressive shit , or leftist politicians, so I think they just push what they want to trend more so than anything necessarily relevant to your interests.
No pushback??
It’s a satanic agenda they want you to resonate with the feminine lucerfian energy instead of the masculine lucerfian energy.
What percentage of gay are you guys? Lol
A bisexual guy must be.. 50% gay I guess
One of their man goals is population culling, so they will use any and all methods to obtain this end. Whether i’ts via poverty, chemical warfare or trying to give dangerous hormones to children in an attempt to sterilize. The end goal is always depopulation and mass control.