1. inthedark77 on

    With the existential threats from down south, has their ever been a more important time to have a public broadcaster?

    More Horrendous policy from self serving CPC stooges. This party will be a disaster for Canada

  2. gohomebrentyourdrunk on

    Yeah, who doesn’t love the idea of only receiving information from corporately-approved sources.

    Doesn’t sound dystopian at all.

  3. And when he goes to do anything against america and all the new stations are owned by American interests he will feel the pain.

    As with kst right wing ideas it’s short term gain, long term pain.

  4. Of course he does CBC is easily one of the last more neutral sources we have. The only one that supports many communities. I really wish keeping voters dumb was more of a concern with a political party.

  5. ComfortableSell5 on

    Why have the CBC when Canadians can get their news and feelings force fed to them by Elon Musk and Twitter?


  6. Like his counterpart Marlaina, do the opposite of what the people want.

    We’d better start playing opposites and start telling him we all hate water because I’m sure he’d fuck us all over on that one first chance he gets.

  7. Any news organization that does not fall in line with the narratives that the dear leader of the CPC spews out is being threatened by him. I do not trust any leader who wants to tear down our free and independent press.

    A publicly funded independent news broadcaster is incredibly important part of democracy.

  8. geeves_007 on

    Oh yeah, let’s go! What we need is privately owned corporate media only, and no national broadcaster!

    Then, maybe we, too, can have billionaire dipshits threatening sovereign countries that are our allies!

    You see what you get with these dweebs!??? We’re gonna make the same damn mistake as America, aren’t we.

  9. CptCoatrack on

    There is war on peoples minds being waged by oligarchs and foreign powers through corporate and social media

    At a time like this when the President is talking about forcibly merging our countries a national broadcaster is not just imperative but a line of defense against American encroachment. Defunding is practically aiding and abetting those who threaten our sovereignty.

    He’s already intimidated the CBC to take a soft mushy middle stance as it is.

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