Die Länder Trump und Musk haben bisher mit einer Machtübernahme oder Befreiung gedroht. Ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass der Dritte Weltkrieg so beginnen würde.

    Von HailGoodFellow


    1. polite_saturn321 on

      They are living in a fantasy world where large swathes of those populations will welcome being “liberated”. Now, where have we heard that narrative before…..?

    2. ChooChooBananaTrain on

      Everyone who believed trump was anti war is such a lol 😂 America’s economy depends on war but just shows you that you can say whatever you need to get jnto presidency, and do the complete opposite when you get in.

      If anything, this election was a highlight of the failed American education system and how people don’t obtain facts at source but rely on some “freedom of speech” (aka misinformation) platforms like Truth and Twitter as their primary source of news.

    3. MercatorLondon on

      If people are outraged about Trump why are they willing to even consider Putin’s demands against Ukraine?
      There is no difference.

    4. He’s distracting you again and dominating the media. What’s important is what he’s quietly working on and keeping under wraps.

    5. If you have forgotten Trump talks a lot but is lazy and stupid

      The biggest danger is self-censorship and preemptive obedience

    6. CLCchampion on

      It’s not starting like this. Anyone who is taking Trump’s talk literally is just as dumb as he is. It’s like no one remembers his first term, he just spouts off nonsense for a while, then gets tired of it and moves on to the next topic.

      If you’re honestly devoting any brainpower towards thinking about Trump talking about taking over Canada, then hopefully you arrived at the realization that it’s not going to happen within 5 seconds.

    7. Acrylic_Starshine on

      Putin can take the former soviet bloc, Trump takes Canada, mexico, Greenland, UK and the rest of the solar system

    8. All that white stuff above Canada is also Canada. Along with Newfoundland, Vancouver Island, and PEI. This map is a failure.

    9. Next-Cartographer261 on

      Just another reason to be embarrassed for the American populace

    10. sandettie-Lv on

      I’m surprised that this map does have data for Greenland, which is usually greyed out. I think that Denmark could be included, as it still owns Greenland.

    11. Administrator90 on

      technically Denmark has to be marked too, Greenland is part of Denmark.

    12. TheBrasilianCapybara on

      I’m happy because if these things happen there’s a chance the World Cup will be moved and I think Brazil is a very viable option.

    13. All warm air to satisfy their base while they will deliver nothing of substance

    14. Podocarpus_In_Cali on

      Such cowardice, all these countries are friends of the US – why not threaten the true enemies of the US with annexation or invasion?

    15. SoftwareSource on

      He isn’t gonna do shit, he is just saying it so people forget him backing out of immigration/H1B visa shit.

    16. cantonlautaro on

      Shouldnt all the little MAGA people be up in arms about the candidate of peace wanting so readily to take us to war, and against our closest allies?

    17. smartfbrankings on

      To have a war you need an opposing force. Which of those places could put up a fight?

    18. Oh man I can’t wait for the American empire to fall because of its hubris. And the irony is that it voted itself out.

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